A Witch's Trial

Chapter 1: olivia

I clutched the arms of the chairs as Dad drew a vile of blood. After writing something on his clipboard he sighed. I glanced towards him just in time to see him pick up a syringe full of green liquid. Without warning he injected it into my arm. I knew not to make a sound. I stared straight ahead hoping that it was not going to be too painful. I stopped praying to the gods a long time ago. My vision started to turn green as the effects started. The leather straps holding me down bit into my skin as I started convoluting. Bones were breaking. I watched in horror as my hand twisted and turned into a scalded hand with claws. Dad mumbled something under his breath. I looked up at him begging him to stop.

He looked me straight in the eyes and said " until you fully transform into a dragon deal with it."

There was a cracking sound and the restraints lossend. I took my chance and ran. I shoved hard against the metal door. It flung open into the hall of nightmares. The white walls flew past as I ran.

" Get back here you ungrateful child. I created you and you will not disobey me." Dad screamed chasing after me.

The sunlight blinded me as I shoved open the last door keeping me in that place. I had no time to celebrate it. My dad was hot on my heels. Without thinking I picked a direction and ran. At some point I think dad gave up. My lungs burned as I kept running. Bones kept breaking and reshaping though all of this.

Soon I hit something with a thud. I stared wide-eyed into the barrel of a gun. Towering over me was a man with white hair and green eyes. He had scars running down one side of his face.

He tilted his head and in a deep voice asked" Now what do we have here?"

I felt the tears slide down my face as I cried " Please you have to help me. I can't do this anymore."

" Now why would I do that?" He asked

I looked around the area trying to think of something then I noticed the body. There was blood pooling around it.

" I won't tell anyone what I saw."

"What is stopping me from killing you to keep you quiet?"

" Then do it." I cried " I am tired of living in pain. They took my only friend away and now I am alone with him."

The man took a step back, surprise was written all over his face. The gun lowered as a wave of pain shot through me. I curled into a ball and cried until the pain eased. The old man looked very uncomfortable.

"How about this kid? You help me hide this body and then we can go take care of the guy that did this to you."

I shook my head and said " You can't kill him. "

The man looked at me with a strange look and said " The only thing that can't be killed is a god and that is because I haven't met one yet."

I was already in pain so might as well add more to it. Pulling down part of my shirt I showed him the crest on my chest.

" I am not a hundred percent sure what it is all I know is that if I disobey him it starts to hurt." Pain racked my body as I continued " I tried to shoot him but it did nothing. I felt the pain. But as long as he is gone then it will be okay.

Kneeling in front of me he said " You are too young to have that state of mind. My name is Erin and I swear that I am going to help you."

Everything started to sway around me. Erin took off his coat and wrapped it around me. He guided me towards the wall. He then pulled out a book. A weird symbol fluttered up from it. A flame appeared and burned the man. He then picked me up in his arms and started to ask me questions. I did not pay attention to where we were going. I focused on staying awake. 

Finally he said " we are here Welcome to Cepheus."

We stood in front of a rundown brick building with the words Anderson Tech. The windows were boarded up and the glass door was so dirty that barely any light could be seen from the outside.

" What is this place?" I asked

" The only legal assasination group." He replied

" Why are you telling me this?"

" Since I plan on helping you , you should know what I do."

Even at a young age I knew that this was cliche. I told him as much. I did not hear what he said as the pain of everything caught up with me. 

The next eight years went by in a blur. Erin became the dad that I needed. His daughter Brenda became my best friend. I did not know how to be a child but she still put up with me. Before I knew it Erin was putting me in charge of Cephus


I was typing away on the computer when my door busted open. Brenda stormed in. She set two packages on my desk Then flipped her hair over your shoulder. I eyed them wearley. She had a nasty habit of finding a new hobby and dragging me into them.

" What latest trend is this?" I asked

She shook her head and asked " Do you know what today is?"

I pulled up my calendar and said " It's thursday. And I don't see anything important on my calendar."

She gasped and then opened one of the boxes inside of it was another box, which she handed to me. It was a beautifully crafted box. The outside was a grey velvet it was the size of a ring box. The logo on top was one that I was familiar with. Vycreek Magical Academy the largest school in Zinjra. Located in the town of Vycreek only the smartest and most talented cna get in. All the big names have come from there. 

" Oh shit is that today?." I asked.

" Hurry up and open it." She squealed

My hand shook as I lifted the lid. The inside was lined with black silk nestled in the center was a blue stone that held my future. The world came to a stop as I gently picked up the stone. It glowed a gentle blue as a man in his forties appeared before me. 

" Hello my name is Howard Richerson." He said " The fact that you are seeing my face means you took the challenge and took our entrance exam. I am proud to tell you that all of your hard work has paid off. As of the moment you can proudly say that you are a student of Vycreek Magical Academy. Your supply list is included with your welcome packet. It will have all the information that you need. Welcome to Vycreek."

I turned to Brenda and nodded to her case. Her hand shook as she opened her case. I suck in a breath seeing her green crystal. Then Mr. Richerson's face appeared and gave the same exact speech. Then he said something about her accommodation being accepted as well. She squealed as she hugged me.

" We did it." She cried

" I knew that we would." I said confidently

She gave me a look that said she knew I was lying. " You work way too damn hard. Even your employees are worried about you. You should ask for help."

" The same thing can be said about you." I said " What are the special accommodations?"

" Don't worry about it." She said, looking away. " Let's go downstairs and celebrate."

" Let me finish the proposal and get it turned in. You know how Simon is."

" This is what I am talking about. We just learned that we got into top school and you want to do work." Sighing, she said " I will meet you downstairs in an hour."

I sighed hoping that she wasn't too mad at me. It's not like the first time we have had this conversation after all. She has been on my case since Erin introduced us. I remember him telling me that a ten year old needed to go out and lay not hang in an office all day. It brings me comfort knowing that I can do it all on my own. She knows that I came from a rough life but I had to be in control of things. The innocent part of me died a long time ago.

I sighed as I hit submit, hopefully Brenda was still down stairs at the club. She was sitting at the bar talking to the bartender. She had changed from the jeans and tee shirt into a short blue silk dress.

" Is that my dress?" I asked

She gave me a smirk as she waved for the bartender. 

" You are wearing my pants." She replied

" We have the same size ass." I said plopping down beside her, " you have bigger tits than me."

" it will shrink back." She shot back

" And how do you know that?" I asked " Is this not the first time that you have worn it?"

" The guys at the Lunar love this color."

I faked throwing up and said " I don't want to hear it. You can keep it."

" You should explore more."

She did not finish that train of thought as Trent came over. He was one of my favorite bartenders. Perks of having an office over a club floor.

" How does something like that stay up" Tent asked

" It works better for me than ,miss boss lady over here because I have bigger boobs."

Trent eyed me up and down and said " just wait till she has the transition surgery." he said

Brenda started to laugh and asked " What do you mean transition?"

" Some of the others were talking about you and the transition surgery and how it is going to be a great thing." he said looking red in the face.

" I am trying to set up a fund for the ones that want the surgery but can't afford it. It will be open for any non member of the guild; they just have to work for us doing odds and ends around the club." I clarified

" That is good. I know a few people that are wanting it." he said

" Once I get everything finalized I will let you know. Now get back to work." I said tilting my head to the group of girls waving at him.

As I sat down Brenda asked " was that the proposal that you had to submit?"

" This is the second time that I had to. Some of the older members are trying to block it. They are bringing in their religion."

" Do people still worship the gods?" She ask 

" There are a few. I understand that each person has a right to their own opinion but to force it on others and deny others help just because your god says it is wrong is bullshit."

Trent slid us two drinks as I realized that we forgot to order anything. Lucke;ly he knew what we liked. That is why he is my favorite.

" Is it Simon that is giving you trouble?" She asked

I nodded and then said " That is not why we are here. We are here to celebrate our acceptance into Vycreek."

She nodded and took a drink. We celebrated well into the night. The next few days were a blur of preparing things. The hardest thing was getting in touch with all the Zodiacs. Luckily Erin said that he would take care of things. Then the day finally came.

Vycreek Magical Academy stood tall at the back of the city. The train station was bustling with people probably all here for the entrance ceremony. Erin stood off to the side of the platform. Brenda ran and jumped into his arms. They got several looks from passersby.

"Congratulations for making it through one of the hardest entrance exams in the world." He said as he kissed her on the head.

" Thanks dad." She replied " I am glad that you were able to be here."

" Me too." He said as he pulled me into a hug.

" I thought you were on assignment somewhere else." I said

" And miss my girl's biggest accomplishment?" He said, raising an eyebrow at me " Never."

We had a couple of hours before we had to be at the school for the entrance ceremony, so we decided to explore part of the town. While we were looking around Erin told us the history of the school. Created in 1562 by Victoria Vycreek the academy sought to teach young witches and wizards the true meaning of their powers.

" What do you mean they learn the true meaning of their powers?" I asked

He straightened as he did when he was about to give a lesson. I learned early on why people still called him professor. I listened as he explained that each person has a magical element that they can control. That is why each person has a grimoire they hold each spell that people learn. Victoria wanted a place that people could learn without the worry of hurting people. And to help grow them.Unfortunately he had another thing to get too. Just like me he hated teleport crystals so we dropped him off at the train station. We still had an hour until we had to be at the school so we looked at the shops. Along the way I noticed a coffee shop called Java Jive. nudging Brenda I said " Lets get some energy"

" you know they won't make it strong enough for you."

" I just want it for the flavor this time" I said

The place was crowded but also comfy. I ordered something called the witch's trail. After asking the barista what it was. She told me that it was never the same. It was whatever the person making it felt like. It is based on the last test of the school year. She said that it tested what the students learned. When I asked why it would be whatever the person wanted when most tests have the same structure. I got told to wait and see.

While waiting a guy bumped into Brenda. When he spoke he had the deepest southern accent that I have ever heard. While our accent could be considered strange to people from Cenarnia.

Ignoring them I listened to some of the other conversations to get information on this place. While I have looked into the town and school I knew nothing about the people.

The girls to my left were talking about how there was a trio of people that are said to be super smart. According to one girl, two of the guys waited a year so that they could enroll with their friend. Another guy jumped in and said that the youngest was related to one of the professors at the school.Finally my name was called. I was given a really sweet coffee that had hints of coconut. I finally dragged Brenda away from the country boy.

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