A Un-quirked Detective

Chapter 11: Investigation

Maekawa Katsuo, a very rich man. He worked in the World Hero Association as a director. He had a good life, no money problems, and had good friends.

What Noya didn't know was the reason why he fused his lips together. Well he did, he was scared of something of his being taken away by some man.

Noya was thinking it was his job. It made sense to him, without his job Katsuo might not be able to live his life as he did, so someone stepped in with the ability to take his job away and forced him into killing Mr. Hiroki.

But that idea opened more questions like who the man was who threatened Katsuo and why did they want Mr. Hiroki dead.

For a moment Noya's brain went haywire thinking of all the possibilities, most of them very absurd, but he had to stop himself.

With a slap Noya straightened his back on his chair. Infront of him was the computer that he was using to do his research, there were several tabs open each with a different question to answer, most of them misspelled.

Unfortunately, not all the answers were on the internet, and if Noya wanted to know he would have to get his hands dirty.

Getting up from his chair Noya wanted to go back to the same crime scene he was at yesterday, but unfortunately the police had their hands on it.

Don't get him wrong Noya didn't have any specific hatred towards the police. Sure, he was consistently underrated by them, but being able to play the 'quirkless therefor harmless' card has gotten him out of a few situations.

The problem was that the police definitely wouldn't let him get anywhere close to the crime scene. So, he had to take a different avenue when it came to gathering information.

But the problem was Noya wasn't important enough to get information out of people, nor was he powerful enough to stop an assassination if someone put money on his head.

He had to be careful, what Noya had to do is look into every part of Katsuo to see what made him tick and maybe find an answer.

First question to ask, was Katsuo's job in danger?

And luckily there were tours inside the World Hero Association building, and Noya just so happened to have a few voice recorders.

Living in a city where most people are villains has its upsides occasionally, one of them being that voice recorders were everywhere. There were a few places that Noya hadn't seen a voice recorder, but he was convinced that was just because he wasn't looking hard enough.

So, if a few went missing no one really noticed.

Snapping out of his thought, Noya had to leave soon or else risk missing today's tours. While he was thinking of going out, he did need to get some grocery shopping done and refuel his motorcycle.

With a plan in mind Noya grabbed his money and left his house to get on motorcycle and leave, before he heard a child's cry.

He stopped, thinking. The last time he went to save a child it was a fake and it got him stabbed and robbed, but Noya couldn't help but think about the possibility of it being a child.

Noya couldn't help but think about his own past, so he got off his motorcycle and started to run towards the cries.

He still had to hurry; he couldn't miss the tour after all.

Sounds of crying echoed, and Noya knew the quickest way towards it, he's lived in the city for about ten years now.

Arriving at where the cries were the loudest Noya found a bucket, going closer he saw it empty.

"Minoru, how good it is to meet with you again," a woman greeted behind Noya putting a gun to his head, "Now, can you put your hands up for me?" she asked

"You know we've meat so often you might as well call me Noya," Noya replied putting his hands up.

Niwa Chiasa, a name that Noya was all too familiar with. Her quirk gave her the ability to throw her voice to any object she has touched. Pair that with an impressive vocal range and you get her. She was three years older than Noya and was a head taller than him too.

"No, I think Minoru is better," Niwa replied, "Now please be nice and hand over your money," she told Noya.

"You know me, broke as can be," Noya replied, "I got nothing worth the bullet you would use on me," Noya lied.

"Oh really?" Niwa asked, "You know I saw you trying to get on your bike, and hey isn't the time you usually get food. Oh, and when was the last time you refueled your bike?" she pointed out.

"Fine you want proof?" Noya said, "Let me reach into my coat pocket and I'll show you what I have," Noya told her.

"Go ahead," Niwa replied.

Noya slowly reached into his front pocket and pulled out a few yen bills. After years of being robbed Noya had learned when carrying money to split it up between his pockets to make it look like he wasn't carrying much.

"Please, you've done the same trick to me five times," Niwa exclaimed.

Maybe Noya needed some more tricks.

"Now empty out your pockets," Niwa said pushing the pistol into Noya's head, "All of your pockets," she demanded.

Noya did as Niwa asked. All of his money, his house key's, his motorcycle keys, the voice recorders, and his phone were all laid out on the ground.

"Nothing worth my bullet huh?" Niwa pointing out.

Noya said nothing, hoping that Niwa wouldn't do what he thought she was going to do.

Hearing nothing but silence, Niwa bent down and began to pocket everything, except for the house key.

This wasn't because she felt bad for Noya, it was because the housekey didn't belong to Noya, it belonged to George.

And no one steals from George.

"And one more thing," Niwa said looking at Noya.

He knew what Niwa was going to do, but Noya could only watch.

A bullet flew through his leg forcing Noya on the ground.

"Next time I tell you to give me what you have," she said, "You do it," Niwa then left the scene.

Picking himself up, Noya supported himself on the wall next to him. He needed to get to a hospital.

There was no way to call them, his phone got stolen, but if he could make it out of the city there was a chance that someone would call an ambulance for him.

But, as long as he was still in the bounds of the city, he was a dead man walking. So, he huddled along the wall.

One hop at a time, making sure not to hit his injured leg. He wasn't too far from the outskirts of the city; all he needed was to get there.

He could see the light outside the city, it looked beautiful. It was like he could almost touch it, then everything went dark.

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