A Hope through time

Chapter 5: chapter 5

After a trip through the caves under the bank to the Emrys bank vault, her bank vault. Hope collected the politics book, an index book known as the Emrys Codex, which can replicate any book within the Emrys vault and she also learned about any Emrys properties in the world.

There were 4 properties that were now under her name but at the current time. Hope had no interest at all visiting these properties located in Wales, Ireland and France in Europe or the last property in Canada, Winnipeg.

Hope also grabbed a couple of amethyst crystals, some bundles of sage that are charmed to never run out and about 100 galleons for personal use after being told that 100 galleons would easily last for a full school year. Nicolas also pointed out that she could pay for items using one of her House rings instead of carrying the actual coins.

Hope also named the Goblin King as her Proxy. Informing him to raise a little hell in the wizarding sessions but not to abuse the power from the Proxy seat as Hope had learned through a quick scan through one of the political books, that a Proxy could be ejected from the seat at any time by the Head of House and replaced by someone else of their choosing.

Hope hid the Emrys ring on her right index finger and asked if the Goblins could inform the Ministry at midnight about her Legendary status. So she could do her shopping in peace and disappear until she is ready to make her actual appearance as Lady Emrys.

The Goblins nodded gleefully as they were able to wait until midnight to inform the Ministry of the activation of the Legendary House without breaking any laws.

When the group was about to leave the bank, Hope had a stray thought cross her mind. Hope bit her lip as she chose to throw caution to the wind and informed the Goblin King that there is a Horcrux hidden in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault.

The King was beyond livid that the young Werewolf Queen made dangerous allegations about hiding such dark infested magic within their walls and asked the girl for proof. Hope couldn't offer any legitimate proof other than she was from the future and she is aware of Voldemort's 7 Horcruxes.

This information shocked the Flamel's and the Goblins. Hope had requested for the Goblins to look into this on their prideful honour as Warriors. Mentioning that she knew the Goblins would never hide something that dangerous knowingly and if she was wrong. That the Goblins could deliver any punishment that they deemed necessary for lying, including death.

The King had grumbled in his native language and two Goblins Warriors standing at the King's back rushed off to follow orders.

After 10 minutes of tense silence the two Goblins came back holding Hufflepuff's Cup making erratic hand motions while screeching in their natice language which Hope learned was known as Gobbledegook from the Flamel's.

The King swore loudly and told Hope that due to the finder's fee she could take 5% of the vault's possessions. Hope bargained with the proud race that she doesn't need any of the money and would like to offer her finder's fee to the Goblins so she could improve the relations between herself and the Goblins.

This pleased the King of the Goblins greatly as he learned the young Queen didn't hold any ill-will towards himself or his people for threatening her earlier to which Hope shrugged nonchalantly before mentioning, "I would've done the same thing in your position."

Hope followed up with a question to Ragnok asking what happens to the Cup. Ragnok informs the girl that they will cleanse it, destroying the Horcrux before returning it to a descendant.

Hope nodded her thanks to the Goblins before leaving the bank after almost 2 hours with good relations between herself and the Goblins.

The Flamel's were impressed with Hope's integrity and willingness to include the Goblins in her quest to kill You-Know-Who and to change the Wizengamot stance on Magical Creature by assigning the Goblin King as her Proxy.

Hope rolled her eyes discreetly to herself, as she was frustrated that no one thought that she had the ability to be cunning like the rest of her family, but she chose not to say anything in return.

The 'Fell's' and Hope travelled around Diagon Alley in an easy banter between the three magicals before they headed into the Apothecary first to stock up on potions supplies and to get Hope a cauldron for school, but the immortal pair decided to get two instead.

One for advanced potion making at home to practice with Nic and Nelle as they were aware of Snape's poor teaching methods and thought she would be better off learning off them. While also getting the school's requirement of a Pewter Cauldron.

Next they went to Flourish and Blotts to collect school books for all of the school years. When Hope asked how they knew which books were on the schools list. The Flamel's laughed before stating that Dumbledore likes to keep them up to date with the school. So if they were feeling generous that year then they would donate some money to the school.

At this Hope rolled her eyes and went back to checking what books they had and nothing caught her eye. They were all practically novice books and nothing about social etiquettes to help Muggleborn assimilate into the wizarding world which Hope found utterly bizarre but she kept her opinions to herself for now.

The small family group had a small break at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, so they could rest their feet for a moment. Nicolas had cookies and cream, while Perenelle had a triple chocolate. Hope heard that the vendor could make any type of ice cream so she asked for a peanut butter blast similar to her milkshake from the Mystic Grill.

In Hope's honest opinion, they did a good job trying to replicate her milkshake order Mystic Falls but she still prefers the milkshake over the ice cream.

Next Nelle practically shoves Nicolas and Hope into a Healers Shop, so she could stock up on some items that she had used recently curing Nicolas' burns.

Hope looked at Nicolas with curious eyes as she watched the man blush in embarrassment until he told the younger girl that he forgot to cool down dragon coals before handling them. Hope snorted at him and Perenelle said he looked like he was a mummy for almost three days as she walked out of the store.

Hope saw Nicolas' dejected face and laughed aloud following behind Perenelle who was also lightly snickering at her husband's embarrassment.

Clothes were next on the agenda as they went to Madam Malkins to get Hope's plain school robes. 5 sets in Acromantula Silk charmed to grow with the student. Hope also wanted to get a travelling cloak which Nic and Nelle happily bought for her, getting her two, one in black and the other in a rich brown.

They skipped over the pet stores as Hope's already created everything her familiar will need and won't need any more items from this shop.

Hope completely ignored anything Quidditch related as she's not interested in sports and most likely never will be as it bored her stupid. Watching sports was tedious in her opinion. Playing them was bearable but she wasn't much of a team player so sports never appealed to her.

The group walked past the wizardry stationary store as Nicolas and Perenelle told her that they have plenty of quills and parchment at home since they enjoyed creating new spells, potions and healing techniques.

The 'Fell's' said the same thing as they walked past the front of Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment and saw chest-like suitcases in the windows. Before informing Hope they have a 7 compartment chest for her to take to school.

Hope just looked stupefied at the mention of a 7 compartment chest wondering what the heck that would even look like.

Finally the group reached either the last stop of the day or the second last depending if Ollivanders can actually match a wand to Hope. As they walked in the door they were greeted by the escentric man.

"Ah, welcome. I normally don't get children coming in to get wands until July. That's no matter. Come. Come." Mr Ollivander ushers them in.

The small family walked up to the table and waited for the man to come down from the ladder he was on doing inventory from so he could speak to them properly rather than from the corner of the shop.

Mr Ollivander clatters down the ladder and takes a look at Hope. "Which is your dominant hand?" He asks without so much as an introduction.

Hope let out a sub-vocal sigh as held up her right hand and answered as politely as she could without her Werewolf temper getting the better of her. "My right hand."

"Wait here and we'll see what we can do for you. I have a strange feeling you're going to be a peculiar customer." Mr Ollivander says as he walks down the rows of wands, pulling out a couple of boxes as he goes.

Hope purses her lips and replies for only Nicolas and Perenelle to hear. "Yep. Peculiar indeed." Nicolas and Perenelle had to hold in their laughter at Hope's mimicry of Mr Ollivander voice even adding in an over exaggerating escentic act as she was not impressed by the man's callous behaviour.

"Hope, be nice." Perenelle reminded her and Hope rolled her eyes but nodded her head with another sigh.

There was a loud bang in the shop as a ladder was rolled to a new location further down the shelves of wands allowing Mr Ollivander to collect a 4th wand case. He comes back to the table and places the 4 wands down.

"Alright, let's start with this one." He said as he pulled out a dark brown wand with a Unicorn Tail Hair as the magical core. Hope glared at the wand remembering the Unicorn at her old school and being slug-drugged.

She reached out with her right hand and as soon as her finger barely touched the wood, it was reduced to ash.

Hope looked shocked and raised her hands in a sign of innocence before quickly stating, "I didn't do it!"

"Definitely not a wand with Unicorn Hair in it for you." Mr Ollivander says with a horrified voice as one of his wands were destroyed.

"Perhaps a Dragon Heartstring core?" He thinks aloud as he opens the second box and holds it out to her.

Hope glares at this wand as well, thinking back to the dragon she helped kill with a black magic spell. "I don't think this wand will work for me either." Hope mentioned glaring at the wand skeptically.

Perenelle and Nicolas notice the second glare when going through the names of the magical cores and share a look, silently choosing to ask her about her disdain towards the cores later after they go home.

"Just give it a try. No harm done." The wand seller says with a small smile.

Hope sighed again before slowly reaching out with the tip of a finger and withdrew her hand quickly as soon as she touched the wand. "Nope! Definitely not!" She exclaims as she shakes her hand and blows on it.

"Hmm, interesting the Dragon Heartstring burns you? Not a reaction I've had before. But you are right, not the wand for you." Ollivander remarks in interest and amazement.

They tried the Thestral Tail Hair but Hope remarked that she could use it but she would prefer not to feel like death when trying to cast a spell as it made her cold. Very cold as if death was sneaking up on her. She wonders if this would be what the Elder Wand would feel like before dismissing the thought with a shrug. She didn't need a wand.

When Ollivander offered her a Phoenix Feather wand Hope tried to reach for it but watched as the wand shot away to the opposite side of the shop, crashing into some wand boxes as they clattered to the ground noisily before she could even touch it.

Hope pursed her lips together as she held in her laughter at the show of the wand destroying his shop before she managed to hide her humour from the elderly man putting up a blank wall of emotion as he turned around and regarded her curiously.

"It seems the Phoenix Feather wand is repelled by you...I'm afraid that we've gone through all my wand core types and I'm unable to help you. I'm sorry." Mr Ollivander states sadly.

Nicolas sighs before curiously asking, "We had a feeling that matching Hope to a wand was going to be difficult. If we were to procure the items to make a wand. Would you be able to craft it?"

"Sorry. But no. I'm only allowed to craft wands with the supplies that the Ministry provides me with." Mr Ollivander answered.

Nicolas looks over to his wife and says, "I guess we might have to travel internationally looking for a wand. Thank you for your time, Mr Ollivander."

Nicolas opens the door causing the doorbell to ring through the shop and the group leaves the store.

Hope groans as she gets a store's width away. "There goes an hour of my life. Why did we even need to go there?" She asks in the near empty street as it was dusk outside.

"Because wandcrafting is illegal, if caught the wand maker and the person who is requesting for a crafted wand are arrested and sent to Azkaban." Nicolas answered the young girl's exasperated question, realising that Hope was most likely tired dealing with all the shopping as well as the Goblin's.

Nic gave a quick explanation as they walked towards Knockturn Alley. "However if you go to a wand store and not a single wand accepts you. You are able to get a wand crafted. So we needed Mr Ollivander to specifically state he can't help us and show proof to a wandcrafter."

Nic held up a cream coloured crystal.

"This crystal recorded his admission of being unable to help." Nicolas finishes with a feral grin at his early preparation for this exact scenario.

Hope scratched her head and hummed in approval. "Were you a Slytherin in a past life? Cause that was downright devious." Hope said with her signature smirk while fixing her hair with her fingers.

The group found themselves in Knockturn Alley a few minutes later and they entered the store Perenelle had mentioned back at home. Hephaestus Wandcrafters. Hope saw a middle-aged man reading a book at his counter in boredom.

The man looked up at the sound of the doorbell ringing and folded the corner of his page before closing the book. "Evening folks. How can I help?"

Nicolas walked forward and asked. "We are here to request a crafting of a wand for my ward. We've been to Ollivander's and he was unable to help."

Nic pulled out the recording crystal. "This proves my validation. Please take your time to confirm its authenticity." Nicolas said and he handed over the crystal to the man who raised a skeptical eyebrow at Nic before turning to look at the young girl who was regarding him with suspicion in her expressive sea blue eyes.

The man for some strange reason gulped in fear at the young girl's stare before turning around to head out the back with the recording crystal.

Hope scoffed as a grin stretched across her face as she realised she could still be very intimidating even as a 12 year old. Nic and Nelle shook their heads slightly at the interaction between Hope and the shopkeeper.

Hope got bored waiting once again so she browsed the shop, her attention was drawn to a holster of some kind. Probably for a wand, her fast mind supplies as she runs her fingers along the smooth leather and Hope asks the immortal couple. "What's this?"

Since Perenelle had been watching Hope she answered promptly. "That's a wand holster. It's a lot safer to put your wand in a holster than in a pocket in your robes. Also less likely to accidentally break a wand too." She said with a shake to her head, knowing too many people who have broken their wand by simply sitting down.

"We have some holsters at home as well. If you would like one?" Nelle offered the Tribrid who nodded slightly after a small look of consideration crossed her face.

The shopkeeper came back out. "This checks out. I'm Jamie. So long as you don't use any illegal items, I'm more than happy to help craft a wand." Jamie said as he handed back the crystal to Nic.

"Wonderful." Nicolas says with a grin and pulls out the three baggies handing them to the wandcrafter.

"Here are the items. The wood is White Oak, the Feather is from a Phoenix freely given and the Fur is from a Werewolf." Nic informed the wandcrafter of the materials being used.

The wandcrafter's eyes shot up.

"Fur from a Werewolf may not be illegal, but it sure is rare." He remarks in shock as he accepts the items and waves his wand over them confirming their magical properties.

"Something needs to be added so the Magical Cores don't destroy each other." Jamie mentions with a concerned look.

"Nelle had mentioned that a binding agent would need to be added. We believe my blood will be able to bind the two Magical Cores." Hope said proudly with a mischievous smirk as she enjoyed making the man uncomfortable around her for some strange reason.

"If you're sure... If it doesn't work you can't sue me for destroying these items and you'll have to pay in advance. 80 galleons." Jamie bargained skeptically as he kept a watchful eye on the girl who seemingly is kicking his flight or fight responses into full gear.

"What do you say?" Jamie offers as the mother places a hand on the kids' shoulder and whispers something to her, making the pulsing energy from the little girl retreat and this allows the shopkeeper's body to relax.

Nic watched the interaction between Hope and his wife in curiosity as he felt the power Hope was radiating to frighten the man in front of them. Once Nelle tells the young girl to ease up, Nic withdraws a handful of galleons, then another and another. To the magical community a handful of galleons is roughly 30 galleons per handful.

"Deal and keep the change." Nicolas says with a smile.

"Very well. Come to the back." Jamie says carrying the baggies and placing them on a small table. The Flamel's and Hope follow the man and stand around the table.

Jamie pulls out the White Oak first and places it in the centre of the table. Next he pulls out the black Phoenix Feather and guides it to the left of the wood. The slightly off white coloured Fur is placed to the right. He looks up to the little girl before quietly but respectfully asking her to come forward and hold her hand over the wood first.

Hope does as asked, holding her right hand over the wood while hiding her fear of being so close to the White Oak, but she does this so no one will ever learn of her secret. Her weakness. Since no one would ever suspect someone to wield a wand that has the potential to kill it's wizard or witch.

He passes her a pocket knife cautiously and Hope takes it from him. But before using it she senses the knife with her magic because she is so over Dark Objects kicking her butt in her universe.

Better safe than sorry… Wow! Her paranoia is kicking in hard while she's been in Knockturn Alley she thought to herself.

"Now what do you need me to do? Other than bleed obviously?" Hope asks in curiosity.

Jamie's brows furrow a bit. "You're not afraid of blood?" He asked the kid.

"Nope." She replied with indifference after confirming the knife wasn't a Dark Object.

Jamie looked at the kid's guardians and they didn't seem surprised, they seemed to be shaking their heads in amusement at the girl's attitude. Just who is this kid?

"Okay. Cut your palm and bleed over the wood for 3 seconds. Then move your hand to the Phoenix Feather. You will need to bleed over this for 5 seconds and lastly hold your hand over the Werewolf Tail Fur for 2 seconds." Jamie informed her.

"Also do not let your blood touch the table as it could interfere with the process." Jamie warned as a precaution.

"Got it. Do I start now?" Hope asked the wandcrafter.

Jamie shook his head slightly to clear his head from this girl throwing him through a loop. "Whenever you are ready."

Nearly immediately after Jamie finished speaking the girl cut her right hand but gripped the blade and squeezed it keeping the wound open. She followed Jamie's instructions to the letter and even managed not to get blood on the table.

He closed his eyes, started chanting and rolling the White Oak around on the table, as he rolled the piece of wood over the Feather, the Phoenix Feather was absorbed into the White Oak making it darker than before.

When the wood was rolled over the fur there was a flash of light and the sound of a wolf howling along with a song from a Phoenix.

Hope smirked when she heard the animals cry because she knew it worked. She looked at her hand watching as the wound closed before her eyes but regarded the blood on her hand.

Hope leaned over to Nelle and whispered into the Healer's ear. "Can you clean the blood off my hand please? And if he asks, you healed me, yeah?"

Perenelle nodded and summoned her wand from its holster and performed a silent blood-cleaning charm before returning her wand to its holster.

After three more rolls the wand took a standard cylindrical shape kinda like a stirring rod. No curves, bumps or edges, just perfectically cylindrical. There wasn't even any difference between the hilt of the wand to the rest of the wood. It looks misleading. So Hope couldn't be prouder of the deceptive wand and gave a predatory Mikaelson smirk.

Jamie finished chanting and opened his eyes to see the wand. This is possibly the most powerful wand that has ever been created, he could feel it and yet it looks like an average wand. He looked up to see the girl smirking and he gulped slightly at the look on her face.

Instead of looking at the girl he focused on the wand again and went to pick it up. But he pulled his hand back fast.

Feeling an utter sensation of danger by simply touching the wand and with an awe-struck voice remarked. "That's a powerful wand you have there. I imagine only you can wield it without feeling the overwhelming danger from it."

When Hope picked up the wand, the air around her glowed and her hair started whipping wildly around her face. Hope kept her eyes closed as she could tell they were glowing gold. After 10 seconds she stopped visibly glowing but she didn't open her eyes for almost an additional 8 seconds. So Hope could regain control of her wolf's overwhelming pride and Alpha tendencies wishing to challenge everyone around her to prove she was more powerful than them.

This was something Hope had noticed while being in this universe. Her powers are much easier to control as a witch. Even though she's been put through the ringer, losing her family, her friends, her life. Hope hasn't lost control of her magic once while she's been in this universe and set something on fire.

However, her wolf was slightly more complicated. She had no troubles shifting into her wolf or controlling herself while she was a wolf. In fact she probably had better control here than she did back home, considering she was able to allow the Flamel's to pet her as her wolf.

But her wolf seems to have become more dominant, restless and agitated. Like she's been missing something as her wolf for the longest time but couldn't put her finger on it.

Perhaps it might be because she wasn't an Alpha back in her universe. Since she chose not to fight for control of the school pack and since she never took control of her mother's pack in New Orleans either.

In this universe though, Hope felt as if she was an Alpha and nothing was holding her back anymore, maybe that's why she didn't try and stop the Goblin King from announcing her as Queen. Her inner Wolf perked up at the thought of being the Queen of the Werewolves as it was her birthright. Hope internally rolled her eyes at the dominant thought.

Another thing she's noticed is that her senses have gotten sharper and she seems to be able to pick up on social cues regarding other Magical Creatures of this universe, if the Goblins were anything to go by.

Hope shook her head as she brought herself out of her loud thoughts. "This feels great!" Hope said with a smile and looked at the wandcrafter.

"Thank you. This is fantastic work. I love it." Hope gratefully informed the man.

"I'm glad you like it." Jamie replied sincerely.

Jamie cleared his throat slightly. "So wand lore: It's 12 inches, smooth and unbreakable. The wood is White Oak this shows the wielder to have a hot temper. However it also shows loyalty, courage and fidelity to the owner. Great for Duelling. It has a dual magical core of a Phoenix Feather and Werewolf Tail Fur that takes initiative to use properly and portrays a leader and protector doing whatever it takes. Due to the dual nature this makes this wand a jack of all trades with an affinity for Duelling. It will accept any magic cast through it and has no weaknesses." Jamie explained with pride at this creation.

Hope smirks again. "Wonderful. Thank you." She walks over to the Flamel's and grins at them.

"Thank you Jamie. This has been a great help." Nicolas says with a smile.

Perenelle also thanks him and informs him. "I'm afraid we have to go. We have to get this little one to bed."

Hope groaned and whined out. "Nelle!"

The Flamel's laughed and bid their goodbyes to Jamie before heading home after a long day.

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