A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 62: chapter 62

A flash of fire scared a majority of students in the Great Hall as they expected Freya to appear from the flames. Hope's eyebrows rose when she noticed that it wasn't her aunt but actually a flustered and angry Headmaster. He approaches Hope with an impressive bout of speed that surprises Hope considering the old man had a deadly curse afflicted upon him, draining his energy and magic.

"Miss Mikaelson." Hope inwardly groaned as she held back the urge to correct the elderly man but waited to see what he wanted. "I am sick and tired of watching your family make a mess of the Wizarding World and this prestigious school."

Hope looked at him with a baffled expression on her face that she was nearly sure most of the students were showing the Headmaster. The only thought going through Hope's mind was that the Headmaster was making a final ditch effort to save Snape and he thought that Hope was the person to attack.

"For the 'Greater Good' I challenge you to an Honour Duel with Severus Snape as my Wand." The old man declared as he pulled the Death Stick from the sleeve of his extravagant robe.

The Tribrid's eyes narrowed at Dumbledore's demand for the Honour Duel. She had to remember what a 'Wand' was for duelling practices before glowering at the Headmaster.

"Placing Snape as your Wand won't stop the Honour Duel he's already been challenged to." Dumbledore's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect the young girl to know about the Honour Duel her Consort had challenged his loyal spy to.

The Mikaelson smirk appeared on Hope's face as she taunted the elderly man. "Yeah, Daph's already told me about that."

Murmurs of excitement echoed through the room as most of the students were ecstatic to hear that Snape finally screwed up in front of someone from the Emrys family. Depending on what the stipulation of the Duel turns out to be, Hope could literally ban him from the school.

"She's also told me that the Duel against Snape was to the death. If I accept your duel… My stipulation would be that this remains a fight to the death and it happens immediately like Snape's was originally meant to." Hope added with a faux thoughtful look on her face.

Gasps sounded throughout the Great Hall and Hope's parents moved forward to gently pry Astoria away from Hope who was stunned and unmoving as Nelle pulled her into a motherly embrace.

Dumbledore gave a miniscule flinch at the counteroffer from the younger girl. He was seconds away from using his position as Chief Warlock to delay the duel but Hope had outclassed him especially since she had a very strong hand in removing that title from him.

Hope could see the gears turning in his head as he tried to figure another way out of this. "Very well. But Snape will not be bound to my life during our Duel and the Duel must take place in the Ministry of Magic."

Hope tilted her head in thought as she wondered why he would pick the Ministry as the stage for their duel. She thought that he would've picked the school for some form of home turf advantage. "Deal."

"Excellent! In that case, you'll need to stop your aunt from killing Severus Miss Mikaelson as he is necessary for our Duel." Dumbledore announced in a pleased tone.

Hope blinked rapidly as she remained silent for a few moments as she verbalised her thoughts across the Emrys Familiar bond. "Oh… Great! Now Aunt Freya is pissed at me if I take her kill." Hope rolled her eyes in Dumbledore's direction. "I honestly thought that Daph had already killed him along with Umbridge. That's a shame."

Hope tilted her head to the side as she listened to the response from Myrddin in her mind. "Freya's taken Snape to the Ministry. Fortunately for you, she didn't get the opportunity to start her duel against him." Hope informed the Headmaster and the students all groaned at the news.

Albus sighed in relief but Hope knew that her aunt hadn't killed him yet because she was interrogating him using the truth spell from their universe and needed time to find out where Voldemort was hiding.

Unfortunately Freya didn't have much luck due to the Fidelius charm covering the property but every spell has a loophole, ask enough questions and eventually something will slip through. Freya had groaned at her niece's interruption since the newest Honour Duel takes precedence over the previous one especially if the challenger was needed in the next Duel.

Since Hope had never mentioned using a Wand in her Duel against Dumbledore and Snape she can't call for her own Wand in this fight. A Wand is practically a partner who is linked to the Dueller lifeforce. So if Dumbledore dies so does his Wand. Although if Snape dies before Dumbledore then the main Dueller is still able to continue until an official winner has been declared.

Dumbledore was smart enough to think ahead when naming his stipulations so Snape wouldn't be bound to the Headmaster's lifeforce. Hope could still kill the Potion's Master but she'd have to do it herself rather than severing an unbreakable bond between Dueller and Wand.

Hope knew that she was essentially walking into a handicap match but it didn't bother her. Power-wise Hope is magically stronger than Dumbledore and Snape combined, even if the two Hogwarts Faculty members didn't believe so. This power statistic wasn't adding in her additional abilities from her Vampire and Werewolf sides as well as her weapons training.

Due to Hope's extra powers it gave the Tribrid an unfair advantage especially with the excess magic she was able to draw from the air around her since Wizards couldn't access the magic around them. They had to use a wand to focus their magic.

Only experienced Wizards could cast spells without a wand or words. But doing both is remarkable and nearly unheard of in the magical community which is why the Emrys family were revered. Hope, Freya and now Daphne have proved time after time that they didn't need a wand to cast spells and barely needed a hand movement to direct their magic.

"Alexandria? Would you mind giving me a lift to the Ministry, since Dumbledore and I have made this Duel to start immediately?" Hope politely asked the bird that was still sitting on her left shoulder.

"Fawkes. I expect you can flame travel Albus to the Ministry? Afterall you did get him in here without any drama. So don't even try to deny that you can't get to the Ministry of Magic in the next 10 seconds. If it does take longer than that I'll assume you forfeited Mr Dumbledore." Hope added with a singular raised eyebrow and a smirk.

Dumbledore's eyes widened at the implication as he realised that he had no extra time to stall for a battle plan against the Werewolf child. He had a couple of plans but in order to pull these off he and Severus had to work in complete synchronisation.

The Leader of the Light wasn't oblivious like Miss Mikaelson assumed he was.

The young girl was powerful, perhaps too powerful for this world and thus a danger to society. What if she chooses to join Tom? That would be something that the magical community would never be able to recover from.

Hope Mikaelson was too dangerous and unpredictable to be left alive or without proper guidance and since she was adamant about her vendetta against him, the only option remaining was to kill her.

He could only hope that he could pull Harry back into the fold otherwise destroying Tom would be impossible. Harry needed to die in order to remove the Horcrux from his soul. The young boy also had to sacrifice himself and that is proving rather difficult with Sirius Black's interference.

This all started with Miss Mikaelson. It must end with her and would do everything in his power to ensure that the young girl did not live past today.

'Hey love. So… funny story. Dumbledore just showed up and made an Honour Duel against me and annoyingly enough he managed to delay Snape's death for a little longer. Anyway I'm heading off to the Ministry of Magic for my Duel against Dumbles and Snape. Do you want Myrddin or Alexandria to pick you up?' Hope informed her wife through their bond.

Daphne frowned as she was almost back to the Great Hall without encountering a single soul since the moment she first left the Great Hall, excluding Snape and Dumbledore of course. 'Weird. I thought Freya would've already killed Snape. Could you get Myrddin to collect me after I remove the ice wall from the entryway? I should only need a minute.'

'Will do.' Hope replied as she felt that Daphne's anger had finally dissipated. 'How was your match against the Umbitch?'

'You mean you didn't peek? How respectable of you darling.' Daphne bantered with her Mate with a teasing smile Hope could literally feel.

Hope chuckled at the playful tone. 'I didn't need to. I knew you could handle Umbridge.'

'Well then, in that case you can wait for the Daily Prophet's newspaper tomorrow for the "exclusive" report.'

Hope blinked at the mannerism. 'Wait? What?'

'Remind me to speak to King Ragnok later today before we head back to school.' Daphne added ominously.

'Daphne… What the hell happened?!' Hope fretted slightly as Daphne laughed at Hope's worry and Alexandria teleported her away in a crack of lightning.

"That's rude. Daph's being mean Auntie Freya." Hope blurted out as soon as she appeared beside her aunt with a mouthless Snape who had definitely seen better days.

The dark blonde woman turned to face her niece at the crack of lightning. "You probably deserve it." Freya quickly quipped back with a smirk.

There was a moment of silence as she glanced at the taller woman with narrowed eyes before she sighed.

"Probably… I just told her about the 2 on 1 handicap Duel just a few moments ago. So that could be a reason."

"Sure it is." Freya remarked in amusement as Myrddin huffed with a shake of his small onyx head before flaming out to collect Daphne.

Hope sighed again as she knew that her aunt was humouring her. "Yeah I know." Hope smiled knowing that Daphne was only teasing the Tribrid to get a rise out of Hope.

A flash of fire fills the air maybe 8 seconds later and Dumbledore appears with an elegant swoop of his robes.

Hope leans over to Freya as the older woman tilts her head slightly as she knew Hope wanted to say something she didn't want overheard. "How do you think they do that?" Hope murmured, her mouth barely moving.

"Who and do what?" Freya muttered back a reply as she watched Dumbledore check in on Snape, removing the silencing spell so he could legally participate in the upcoming Duel. Dumbledore had already taken the lead and made the announcement to the Ministry that a Duel was being held here, right now.

"Snape and Dumbledore. How do they swish their cloak or robes so… perfectly? I'm actually a little jealous." Hope responded to which Freya had to cover her mouth to hide the amused smile.

Daphne flamed into existence beside her wife causing Dumbledore to blink in confusion at her appearance since she wasn't required to attend these affairs.

The Slytherin Ice Queen placed a shard of ice onto the signing table that was engraved with a realistic looking eye, nose and part of a mouth that belonged to the late Umbridge. "We're going to need a new DADA Professor at Hogwarts."

The woman at the desk looked terrified at the piece of ice somehow recognising it for what it is.

Daphne turned to Hope as a cool smile stretched across her face. "The answer is that they practise in front of a mirror before braiding each other's hair."

Hope and Freya snorted loudly at the dry quip. "Oh my God." Hope wheezed out as she faced her aunt. "Could you actually imagine that?"

Freya turned to face the two Hogwarts members who were blinking owlishly at the Emrys family in utter confusion. Hope and Daphne also spun to face the old man and the hooked-nose Professor before sharing a conspicuous glance and bursting out into a boisterous roar of laughter.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to get that picture out of my head… All I see is like braids and butterfly clips spread out all through that extravagant beard." Freya complained with a shudder.

Hope watched as the desk lady signed Dumbledore into the Ministry as she handed back the Elder Wand. The woman looked awkward as she beckoned Hope forward to sigh her in as well. Hope slid her White Oak wand across the table and the second she let go of it she felt herself surrounded by a magical barrier. Her hand that was outstretched bounced off the barrier.

The Tribrid blinked as her ears picked up the sound of a spell heading her way. Hope grumbled as she realised that she no longer had access to her wand as it was trapped outside the Duelling Ward.

Hope ducked out of the way of the incoming jets of colourful magic from both Snape and Dumbledore as they tried to knock the 5th year student out with a pre-emptive strike. It may have worked on someone else. But not Hope. She was too fast to be caught unaware like that.

"Who knew the Leader of the Light and pristine Chosen One could fight so dirty? Alienating me from my wand. That's smart I'll give you that. But all you've done is piss me off and show the world that you aren't as 'Good' as they thought." Hope called out as she jumped over dual fire whips aiming for her feet to incapacitate the faster more agile Dueller.

Dumbledore sneered at the young girl but didn't let the Slytherin girl distract him as he saw Hope at one of her most dangerous, during the First Task and that was also without her wand. Neither the Leader of the Order of the Phoenix or the spy could let up for a second.

Daphne just sighed as she walked over to the Ministry clerk holding Hope's wand in with a shocked expression as she watched the Duel start rather erratically. The blonde witch removed Hope's White Oak wand from the distracted woman and returned to Freya's side.

"Apparently Dumbles and the bat have learned not to give Hope any chance to mount an offence." Daphne mentioned boredly as she rested her chin on a fist, watching her wife continuously swerve, duck, jump and roll out of the way of the onslaught of powerful spells.

"I feel like I should be angry that Snape and Dumbledore tried to blindside Hope, but they honestly need whatever advantage they can get to even stand a chance against a first born Mikaelson witch. I almost feel sorry for them." Freya mentioned offhandedly as Myrddin hopped back over to her shoulder leaving Daphne with Alexandria.

The Thunderbird puffed up her feathers in irritation as she burrowed into Daphne's neck whistling in little short bursts almost as if she was swearing under her breath.

"Hey now! You are too young to be using such language Alexandria. It doesn't matter if you are right about Dumbledore and Snape." Daphne softly berated the bird on her left shoulder who grumbled in displeasure.

Amelia Bones rushed up to the Duel as she wondered what on Earth was going on within the Ministry's walls and was met with the bizarre but soon-to-be-expected Duel between Hope and Dumbledore. Those two have been at each other's throats for the past 3 or 4 Wizengamot sessions.

The sight that made it strange was the inclusion of Severus Snape. The Head of the DMLE was informed by her niece that there was also bad blood between Hope and the Hogwarts Potions Master.

The resentment grew exponentially after the parents or guardians were notified, via Hope, of the dangerous wards which altered the students textbooks. Meaning that their kids would either fail or have a cauldron explode in their face, resulting in Poor, Dreadful or possibly a Troll for their grade as well as a trip to the Infirmary. With Lady Emrys playing saviour in her year group there were far less disastrous explosions in Potions but unfortunately Hope wasn't able to protect the students in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Mainly due to the fact that the Slytherin girl has never shared a Potions class with either of the other Houses.

Madam Bones quickly scanned the small assortment of spectators. The Dark Faction families were watching on with absolute interest as this Duel would end with the death of one of the two people that Voldemort was skeptical about facing in a one-on-one fight.

Augusta Longbottom was also in the crowd with a ferocious glare set on the Potions Master. Amelia couldn't blame the anger Regent Longbottom held for the Hogwarts Professor. Neville had shared some memories of his First year in Potions classes and if it wasn't for Hope's nearly invisible and subtle interferences throughout the year Augusta's grandson could have possibly been killed.

Most of the other spectators were Ministry employees who were understandably sidetracked at the display of powerful magic being cast towards the Head of Legendary House Emrys.

"Do I want to know what happened?" Madam Bones cautiously asked as she came up beside Heir Emrys.

Daphne was the one to answer as she regarded the Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House Bones with a sigh. "There have been three separate Honour Duels to the death made today. I've already won my fight against… Umbridge." Daphne used most of her self-control to stop herself from calling the woman a bitch or many of the other creative names she has locked in the far recesses of her mind.

"Snape interfered and I challenged him. Freya appeared and asked if she could fight on behalf. I said yes. But Dumbles here just had to save his precious Death Eater spy so he challenged Hope with Snape as his Wand that isn't bound to his life." Daphne continued explaining as though she was talking casually about the weather.

Madam Bones blinked as she took a second to comprehend all the information she was told before slowly asking. "Is Hope aware that she just walked into a 2 on 1 Duel?"

"Of course she is." Freya answered. "Although I don't think my niece was expecting to duel without an actual wand." Daphne held up her wife's wand to the other woman who's eyes widened at the sight. "But she'll be fine."

Amelia opened her mouth before closing it a few times as she wondered how Dumbledore managed to convince Hope to fight without her wand. "So how did Hope's wand end up on the other end of this barrier?"

A streak of fire arched down from the ceiling which the young Lady Emrys evaded with a flash of speed the Head of the DMLE wasn't even aware that Hope possessed. Myrddin screeched at the blatant attack by Dumbledore's Phoenix against Hope from Freya's tensed shoulder.

"Okay… Now he's cheating. Fawkes was never included within their duelling speculations." Daphne snarled as she stood up straight.

"Can Myrddin or Alexandria enter this Duelling Arena to help out Hope?" Freya asked as she tilted her head in Daphne's direction but kept her eyes firmly on the fight in front of her as the introduction of the Phoenix could make this fight unpredictable if Dumbledore knew how to utilise Fawkes abilities.

Daphne gave a quiet shake of her head. "No. Hope has to face them alone."

"At least she has Excalibur." Madam Bones tried to helpfully mention.

A tiny huff of amusement escaped Daphne's lips. "Hope won't use Excalibur. Neither Snape or Dumbledore have shown any proficiency in swordplay before in their lives. Hope likes a challenge so she'll fight magic against magic."

Hope had used a burst of Tribrid speed to dodge the incoming aerial attack from Fawkes but ducking underneath the flaming line of fire. The Tribrid heard a tiny croak from the bird above her that was turning with a practised ease and a stray thought entered Hope's mind as her eyes furrowed slightly in remembrance.

"Incendia!" Hope called out as she held her right hand out in front of her. A baseball sized fireball formed in her hand momentarily before it exploded in a fiery stream towards the red and gold Phoenix.

Fawkes cawed abruptly as he tried to alter his flight plan to avoid the flame coming straight towards him but didn't have enough time. Hope's fire spell engulfed the magical bird, the strength of pure magic in the first born Mikaelson's spell was able to penetrate Fawkes' flames resulting in a rather peculiar clash of fire.

Where the fires met there was a dark ashy cloud that trailed down the rest of Hope's spell almost as if Fawkes was able to push through the flames. Hope cancelled her spell and quickly reacted to catch the incoming bird.

The Tribrid moved with the catch to soften the resistance so she didn't hurt Fawkes. Hope squatted down at the edge of the barrier closest to Daphne, Freya and Madam Bones.

Myrddin and Alexandria had had a rather upset look on their tiny faces at how their Familiar took care of the other Phoenix.

Hope could feel the distress through her bonds with the birds and Hope's voice sounded through the bonds quickly as she wanted to comfort the golden and charcoal birds. 'Sorry you had to witness that but I recalled that Phoenix' could withstand the intense heat of a fire spell but not the actual magic behind the spell. So I overloaded Fawkes with too much magic so he would be removed from the equation. If my sleeping spell from my universe actually worked on Phoenix' I would've used that but as Myrddin has shown time and time again that spell doesn't work on him.'

Hope placed the unconscious red bird on the ground softly and carefully before she quickly rushed over to Snape in a burst of superspeed before the next barrage of spells had a chance to come for her.

Hope allowed her face to shift slightly as her canines elongated to razor sharp points. The Tribrid managed to get behind Snape using him as a shield against Dumbledore. Hope's eyes glowed gold as she yanked the slick and greasy hair to the side, forcing the middle-aged man's neck to be on full display.

Venom pooled in Hope's mouth as she dispassionately bit into Snape's neck, depositing some of her venom into the wound. Snape yelped loudly as he attempted to dislodge the teenager from his neck. Dumbledore let out a shout of concern as Hope's teeth sunk into the soft flesh of his spy's neck, knowing that with a bite that size would inevitably turn his loyal follower into a Werewolf according to the lore written about this cured breed of magical creature.

Snape didn't have to try very hard to remove the Werewolf child from his person considering Hope unlatched her fangs from his pale skin and used the grip on his oily hair she launched the Potions Master into the magical dome surrounding them.

"Ugh! You really need to shower! I think my tongue is coated in grease." Hope blanched as she levelled a dangerous glare at the dazed Death Eater who didn't seem to know where he was or even what his name was. "What the hell do you do? Bathe yourself in grease? Bloody hell that's foul!"

While Hope was too busy making disgusted faces as she tried to ignore the taste now stuck in her mouth Dumbledore was able to finally strike Hope with a jet of red light. The blast of magic had enough power behind it to slam Hope into the barrier with a solid thud.

Hope grunted at the impact as the Tribrid tried to stand, she nearly collapsed at the burning pain on her stomach where the spell collided with her. Lady Emrys bared her wolfish canines, a murderous expression plastered on her face as Hope felt her healing capabilities fight against the flesh-eating spell the Leader of the Light hit her with.

Dumbledore was stunned that the girl was able to stand on her feet with the amount of pain that she must be feeling. Even witnessing Miss Mikaelson's fight against Greyback didn't prepare Albus for the young girl's impressive speed that made her appear like a blur of movement in the corner of his eye.

How does Hope Mikaelson keep surviving everything he keeps throwing at her? How did she manage to survive the Dragon? There was a sickly mysterious stranger with brown-black fingertips and tracks of the same brown-black substance that occasionally leaked from his nostrils, eyes and ears that practically assured him that the Slytherin girl shouldn't be able to win against after he somehow influenced it to kill her?

Dumbledore believed this man since he could cast any magical spells on him as they either didn't work or the effects neutralised upon contact. The only thing Dumbledore was able to do with his magic was forcibly push him backwards slightly with the force of the spell.

Since Albus truly didn't know what this man was actually going to do, it kept his hands legally clean. This was something he was immensely grateful for. Miss Greengrass decided that this would be the most opportune time to announce her allegiances by calling for a Trial with the Wizengamot to find the culprit behind the tampering of a Ministry event between 3 prestigious schools.

The death-defying glint in those amber eyes had the old man shiver ever-so-slightly as he raised the mythic wand in front of his body casting another spell that summoned water. Dumbledore was running out of ideas and thought that drowning the young girl would be a possibility since all creatures need to be able to breathe. If that didn't work he could always freeze the water with the Werewolf girl stuck inside.

The Hogwarts Headmaster swished his wand forward and the water crashed towards the Mikaelson girl. Hope quickly rose to her feet as she bit back a gasp of pain as she lifted her dominant hand in front of her body. "Incendia ventus!"

Fire literally exploded out of the Tribrid's outstretched hand to meet the water head on. The sound of the two elements colliding was deafening as a white cloud of superhot steam started to fill the dome.

Hope learned a long time ago to never just remain in the same spot as she cast spells as it gives her opponent the chance to obscure the battlefield and strike at her last location. This actually leads to the death of many witches and wizards in lots of the TV shows Hope has watched in her universe. The magical users don't move. They just remain rooted to their spot as though if they move from that location they won't be able to cast any more spells and lose all concentration.

Hope spun her hand in a wide circle as she manipulated the fire that collected in a wall against Dumbledore's wall of water. The fire at the back of the wall started to form a swirling motion as Hope formed a small vortex of fire with the excess flames that were wearing down on the water on the other side of the temperamental wall.

Unfortunately for Hope she didn't know what the counter curse was for the flesh eating hex Dumbledore hit her with, so she's using a vast amount of numbing charms Nelle had taught her. Although the magic that was helping the Tribrid was coming through the soulbond. Hope felt Daphne's worry and concern but also her encouragement, belief and trust as her Pureblood Princess filled Hope with the cool crisp of ice to slow down the curse.

Even though Hope was still in pain, it couldn't stop the thankful and loving smile that crossed Hope's features.

On the other side of the barrier Daphne noticed Freya's pulsing magic as she struggled to control her emotions and slowly reached out to link her pinky finger with the older woman. Freya twitched at the touch and turned to see who had touched her only to find it was Daphne. The eldest Mikaelson sighed worriedly as she decided to hold Daphne's hand within her own.

At the feeling of Freya's entire hand linked in her own Daphne stared down at the limb in amazement. Freya was never one to show her heart to anyone other than her family and to have the Viking witch go above and beyond what the Greengrass girl was expecting filled Daphne with pride and joy.

Freya Mikaelson could potentially be the only member of Hope's family that Daphne may ever meet if the Mikaelson's can't find a way back to their universe and to have Freya initiating small touches that she would only share with her family made Daphne feel like she received Freya's blessing.

Daphne turned back to face the Duel to find Hope looking back at her with an adoring expression on her face that was hidden from most of the crowd by the steam.

Hope's fiery vortex wasn't working as well as the thought against the water but the tornado did its job as the high speed winds pushed the steam out to every inch of the dome, completely making it impossible for anyone within the dome to see. The heat coming off the steam didn't help matters either as Hope was continuously healing burns and blisters from the intense heat as she grunted.

Dumbledore was having similar issues as he put up a 'protego maxima' to protect himself but in this case physics made magic her bitch. The superheated water particles were so thin, tiny and hot allowing the particles to literally phase through the barrier and protection spell. The scalding air burned the Leader of the Light as he groaned in pain, dropping to one knee.

Daphne was quick to protect the crowd from the steam pouring out of the barrier as she summoned her own wand to make another barrier around the Duelling area. Creating a clear sheet of ice between the crowd and barrier was a walk in the park for the Slytherin Ice Queen especially with the Ice Dragonstone wand. The steam stood no chance against Daphne's magic as it cooled from its gaseous state to its liquid state on the ice wall then immediately solidifying on the ice wall itself.

"Good job Elsa." Freya whispered with a small quirk in the corner of her lips. Daphne rolled her eyes at the nickname Hope's aunt has officially dubbed her with.

A near-silent crack of apparation sounded in the arena as Hope appeared behind Dumbledore as it was easier for the Tribrid to travel with her magic rather than moving her body. The burns had already healed and for the millionth time Hope thanked her parents for her supernatural healing as she stood menacingly behind the Hogwarts Headmaster.

The next part happened so quickly that it was hard for anyone to follow the exact sequence of events but it started when Hope summoned the Death Stick from Dumbledore's weakened grip. Dumbledore had a horrified expression on his face turning to face Hope who was behind him but Hope was reaching forward to grab the back of the old man's neck.

The infallible Leader of the Light pulled out a 2nd wand, which is illegal in an Honour Duel, pointed the wand at Hope and got through the first 4 syllables of the Killing Curse's 6 syllables.

Hope's hand gripped Dumbledore's long beard and at the word 'Avada' the Tribrid used her Werewolf agility to swing over Dumbledore's kneeled form so she was once again behind him and reached around with her other hand so she could part Dumbledore's beard. Pulling the right side of his beard in her left hand and the left part to the right, crossing the old man's over his chin and neck.

Hope was able to loop another noose with both sections of the long white beard, effectively choking the old man as Hope planted her foot against his back. Forcibly cutting off the spell along with his ability to breathe. Dumbledore's hands fumbled at his own beard, choking him.

The Tribrid wanted to make the old man pass out but with a quick glance in Snape's fetal position, she knew he wouldn't last much longer. The once pristine white beard was now coated in a thin layer of blood as the long facial hair was enough to agitate the damaged skin from raw burns there.

The Lady of the Legendary House Emrys managed to transfer the hair from her right hand into her left without loosening the strangulation on the Headmaster's neck. With her stronger hand now freed she pulled it back and without a word or warning she put the full force of her combined powers behind her next blow.

Hope's not sure what she heard first. The gruesome gasp from the crowd or the head being decapitated with a loud squelch and thud as the beard was not strong enough to withstand Hope's strike, so the squelching noise was synchronised with a loud rip.

The auburn haired girl looked down to her hand to thankfully only see uneven threads of Dumbledore's beard in her grip. She thought that the rip was the bread being ripped from his face so Hope was glad that she was granted the mercy of not having to stare down at clumps of Dumbledore's skin and muscle.

Dumbledore's limp body slapping on the ground shocked Hope out of her stupor as she threw what was left of Dumbledore's beard to the bloody floor. Hope casually dusted off her hands, whether it was to remove any leftover hair stuck to her sweaty hands or cleaning out the trash that was Dumbledore will be forever left open to debate.

Daphne was at Hope's side the second she was able to leave the Duelling ward and provided a shoulder for her wife to catch her breath as the Tribrid focused her energy on healing herself.

"I left you a present, Aunt Freya." Hope breathed through the obvious pain she was experiencing.

The dark blonde woman frowned as she observed her niece. However the youngest Mikaelson chose to ignore the concerned looks from Madams' Bones and Longbottom as well as most of the Neutral Faction families that Hope, Freya or occasionally Daphne wrote correspondences with on a semi-regular basis after the Emrys family was able to cut through all the bad seeds.

Using her other arm that isn't being used to hold herself up. Hope lifted her hand with the wand she had taken from Dumbledore, pointing at the groaning man who was twitching uncontrollably at the immense pain he was forced to endure.

Freya looked towards the defeated man and sighed. Heir Emrys walked forward and a new Duelling ward activated since Serverus Snape was still alive and the prior Honour Duel could now take place.

Freya stuck Hirdman onto the ground and walked away from Merlin's Staff as she looked down disinterestedly at the headless body at her feet.

"Incendia." Freya murmured as a stream of intense fire shot out from her hand, engulfing the body in flames. Dumbledore's lifeless form practically withered away to ash the moment Freya's spell touched his frail body.

Once all that was left of Dumbledore was his head, lying face-up with bloodshot eyes from the strangulation and his mouth opened roughly 10 feet away from the unconscious Phoenix who was blissfully unaware that his partner had been killed in a rather painful manner. Freya moved closer to the dark-haired man as she raised her arm up.

Snape was magically lifted into the air so that his feet could no longer touch the ground. Freya blinked as she observed the Potions Master. His skin was all red and blistered but what surprised her was the dark yellow-black veins fracturing out from where Hope had bitten him.

The eldest Mikaelson had only seen somewhat similar markings on Vampires that had been bitten by Werewolves or Hybrids, not humans. Although most humans could survive the Venom of a Werewolf in their world perhaps the same couldn't be said for this universe. Or maybe it was Hope? Tribrid Venom? Is that a possibility?

Freya grew concerned at the thought of a stronger, more unique type of Venom being created. The last time that happened Finn was killed while Kol and Elijah were bitten and forced into a magical slumber for 5 long years until Hayley was able to gather all the ingredients to save each of the Mikaelsons.

The Immortal Viking Witch simply didn't care about this Duel anymore. She was more worried about Hope than killing someone who most certainly deserved whatever hell Freya could cook up for Snape.

Without a word Freya twisted her wrist sharply.


Snape's head jerked to the side with a concussive force as something vital snapped in his neck. The Potions Master's chin dropped soundly against his chest as though he could no longer keep his head in an upright position. Snape's eyes remained open as there was no movement in his chest to signal that he was still breathing.

Freya dropped her hand and the lifeless body followed suit. Heir Emrys turned her back on the corpse that she had left behind and approached her niece. Before Myrddin and Alexandria ferried the Emrys family back to Hogwarts Freya caught the looks of utter disbelief on the crowd's faces. Even Daphne was shocked at the display of magic. Freya just killed Snape with the flick of her wrist and walked away as though it was the most common practice in the world.

Hope scoffed at the method of which Freya chose to kill a man as though Lady Emrys was also fully expecting the quick snapping of Snape's neck.

Hope, Daphne and Freya ended up in the Infirmary as the birds located Nelle within the school grounds at the go to spot to travel back. The Tribrid groaned as she moved towards the Healer whose entire body language shifted the second she met with her daughter's pained form.

Perenelle was quick to act as she ushered Hope onto a hospital bed and questioned Freya and Daphne about the spell's characteristics that had hit Hope. Nelle needed to find the correct counter curse to make sure that Hope could heal properly since there were roughly half a dozen flesh eating spells in the world.

Daphne answered in a definite and concise manner as though she was reading a report she had put together. Nelle nodded along as she mentally discarded 4 out of the 6 spells based off colour alone then the speed of which the spell attacked Hope clarified which flesh eating spell was cast on the youngest Mikaelson.

Hope groaned. "Bloody hell! I feel like this has been the longest bloody week of my life! Are we done yet!?" The Tribrid looked to the ceiling as though she was asking the universe for an answer.

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