A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 60: chapter 60

Flitwick clapped jovially with a proud smile on his face as Daphne and Hope entered his classroom for their afternoon Duelling lesson. Freya was also waiting within the classroom, Myrddin sitting regally on her shoulder as they both regarded the Slytherin couple with a heart-warming smile.

"Well done girls! That went spectacularly well!" Flitwick announced in his high-pitched squeaky voice as his excitement overwhelmed him.

Alexandria hopped off Hope's shoulders as she somehow knew that Freya was going to approach her niece. Myrddin joined the younger bird as they whistled contently with each other, probably telling the other about their day.

Freya moved forward as she pulled Hope into a gentle hug giving a soft kiss on the crown of her head as the eldest Mikaelson told her niece how proud she was and how proud Klaus and Hayley would be of her.

This was something that the Mikaelsons have always wanted for Hope. To bring everyone together to have them work towards a common goal. Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs and Slytherins all working together, teaching one another. Not because they were forced to. But because they wished to help those who were struggling, especially in this time of unease.

The Ministry of Magic was breathing down everyone's necks as they tried to control the narrative being told. The strict rules and regulations the Ministry have implemented into schools all over Britain in an attempt to persuade other countries to follow in their footsteps since they are the first and founding Ministry to ever be created, something that each and every Minister of Magic has flaunted.

This is the main reason why the other countries attempt to ignore Magical British Politics altogether… That is until they have done something so ridiculously stupid that affected everyone. Generally to do with Magical Creatures honestly.

Each time the Ministry takes a part of their land the Magical Creatures either have to fight or migrate to another country, or in the Mermaids case, sink their culture underwater so the Ministry wouldn't have it. Knowing that the Ministry of Magic is kicking all of these Magical Creatures out of their homes, beings such as Veelas and Werewolves try to avoid coming to Britain in fear of being degraded or killed. Hybrids such as Hagrid, Flitwick and Sheda who are part Wizard and part something else either try to hide their other half like Sheda or are threatened and belittled as they are called slurs, the main being 'Halfbreed'. Hope has also been recently added to this list but it doesn't last long as the Emrys family are able to subject these people to Honour Duels, quickly ripping out the infection before it has time to spread.

The other thing to be concerned about is Voldemort and how he will factor into all of this. The Ministry and Order are doing everything they can to say they have got this under control but won't do a single thing to locate him. The Ministry is aware of Hope's declaration to kill the pale dark wizard but they seemingly keep looking over to Dumbledore to guide them since he is the only wizard Voldemort has fled from.

Marcus Greengrass passed along the Unspeakable's reports on what the other factions were doing in the meantime while Hope and Daphne were at school and Freya was trying to find an invisible, paradoxical-shifting location with nothing but a Pheonix to help her. When the Emrys family learned that the Ministry was looking to Dumbledore for help, Hope and Freya bursted into laughter, their sides tingling in pain as they couldn't stop laughing for nearly 10 minutes straight. Nic joined in the laughter for nearly 5 minutes while Daphne and Nelle couldn't stop the smile that was plastered onto their faces as they shook their heads at the Ministry's knowledge.

Hope and Freya have sent the noseless bastard running at least twice in the past 4 months and Tom now regards Daphne with suspicion and concern.

Freya had reached out with an inviting arm as she pulled Daphne into the hug with her niece.

"Congratulations! Both of you did an excellent job teaching the younger students."

Daphne momentarily tensed up at the touch but quickly relaxed as she trusted Hope's aunt beyond a shadow of a doubt. The Pureblood Princess still wasn't used to anyone other than Hope or her family members touching her. It took Daphne nearly a full year to get used to the small touches from Nic and Nelle.

"Honestly I'm just glad that Umbridge didn't show up today. It was nice to know what the tutoring would look like without criticism interference every 5 minutes. Dumbledore also remained surprisingly sparse throughout the day. I found it oddly comforting without him interjecting into our lives." Daphne admitted as she buried her nose into Freya's neck inhaling the powerful ancient iron, fire, spearmint, magic and the tinge of Werewolf lingering off the eldest Mikealson.

Daphne was able to smell these scents off Freya without the need to use her enhanced Animagus senses. Freya's natural aura of magic practically surrounded the Immortal Viking Witch wherever she goes, however being as close to Freya's neck as she was tall enough to reach this part of the 1,000 year old witch unlike Hope who could only rest her ear on Freya's collarbone.

Hope moved back after a few moments after basking in the comfort of two of the most important people in her life. "Thank you Auntie Freya. You have no idea how much this means to me."

Freya looked down, a guilty expression etched into her features at the memories that ran through her head. Leaving her niece for 5 years as she was placed into a deep sleep linked to Klaus' lifeforce to survive a powerful poison which the ingredients for an antidote were exceptionally hard to come by.

The main reason she was feeling guilty was how she handled her brothers deaths as well as Hayley's. The entire family practically dropped Hope off at the Salvatore Boarding School and didn't look back. Freya was not completely sure if she would've reconnected with Hope for some time if she didn't get swallowed up by Malivore.

Freya will admit that she was remarkably grateful for this opportunity to make up for her negligence with Hope but felt her heart break a little more each day without Keelin or Nik.

"Oh my sweet Jailbird, you don't need my approval or praise when you make a 'good choice'." Freya mentioned half-heartedly with a small teasing remark at the end.

Hope narrowed her sea-blue eyes at her aunt. "You've been talking to Marcel, haven't you?"

"You truly put way too much pressure on yourself Littlest Wolf." Freya replied softly as she reached out to brush a strand of Hope's copper hair behind her ear.

A bittersweet smile crossed Hope's face. "I have a lot to live up to."

Flitwick in the meantime had moved into his office to collect an array of weaponry: a couple of bows with matching quivers of arrows, a battle axe, a heavy mace and three swords of different lengths. The Emrys family turned to observe the half Goblin as he placed the levitating weapons onto the closest bench.

"Could one of you lock the door?" The Head of Ravenclaw House motioned as his eyes flicked over to the door.

Hope snapped her fingers with a roll of her eyes. "Time for training then?"

"We can still chat but I'd suggest we remain active. Freya with Daphne. Hope you are with me." Flitwick announced as he picked up the mace and motioned to the axe for Hope to take. "Freya, Daphne, I want you two to practise your archery. From what I've heard Miss Greengrass is well versed in archery and can offer advice on how to shoot. Hopefully you are more adept at archery than your niece."

Daphne let out a tiny snort at the dig at her wife who gave the Warrior Goblin an unimpressed face.

Freya couldn't stop the smile that appeared on her face. "I think I'll be okay Warrior Flitwick. My father did teach me some arts of war. Archery was one of the few weapons he was willing to teach me as soon as I was able to hold a bow."

Hope's eyes widened at the new information and bit back the scathing remark that she wanted to say but held her tongue. Mikael may have been a terrible person and father to his children, especially to Klaus since the Hybrid was not Mikael's biological son. But to Freya… Mikael was a dutiful father to her. Once Dahlia had taken a 5 year old Freya, Mikael became bitter and angry. A downright monster to his children.

Hope picked up the axe and gave a few practised moves as she handled the battle axe like it was an extension of herself. Dr Saltzman had taken her through a majority of weapons training and handling with the weapons in his disposal. The Mikaelson Heir was adept with most weapons but archery was not in her repertoire nor was the usage of warhammers, nunchucks or shields.

The auburn haired girl looked over to Flitwick with a smile on her face as she twisted the handle of the axe causing the head of the axe to swing in a fast circle. "Ready?"

"Remember, no magic. I will summon items towards you at random intervals which you will need to either dodge or block them with your weapon." The half Goblin ran through the rules again as Hope and Daphne shared a glance as they mentally mimicked Flitwick's words as he said them but he reminded them each time.

"Got it." Hope replied as she tightened her grip on the axe.

Daphne called out 'begin' and metallic clangs rang out through the room. The Slytherin Ice Queen regarded Freya quietly as she pushed a bow towards the older woman. Freya noticed the small movement and rolled her eyes as she picked up the quiver first, sliding it through an arm and her head as it rested along her back before picking up the wooden bow.

The Viking woman moved her hand up and down as she weighed the bow in her hand, getting a feel for the weapon in her hand.

Freya thought about it for a moment, "Don't judge me too harshly Elsa, it's been over 900 years since I've fired an arrow." The dark blonde woman stood shoulder width apart with her body facing side on to the target.

Daphne watched as Freya took her position and pulled out an arrow from her quiver and nocked it onto the bowstring. Freya moved the bow up as she levelled the bow with her shoulder, with her other hand she gripped the bowstring between her two fingers and thumb.

Before Freya even pulled back the arrow her elbow was already up near her cheek. Freya was fully aware that in order to fire an arrow her drawback arm required to be above her chin in order to fire an arrow properly.

The Viking Witch pulled back the bowstring and held the position for a few seconds as she aimed towards the target that Flitwick had put up before the Emrys family entered the classroom. Freya released the bowstring and shot the arrow true as it landed in the 3rd ring of target.

Daphne made a hum of approval. "Much better than Hope." The blonde woman teased loudly so her wife would hear her over the clattering of metal.

Hope scoffed as she deflected the mace with the shaft of the axe. "Shut up."

Daphne and Freya snickered conspicuously causing Hope to race over to Daphne dropping the axe onto a bench along the way as she poked Daphne in her ribs as she jumped and giggled uncontrollably at the ticklish sensation. Hope was only behind Daphne for a moment before recollecting her axe and swinging it down towards Flitwick's head at a slower pace so he had the opportunity to block the strike.

Flitwick grunted as he held the axe above his head before he locked the weapons together, swinging them both around as he attempted to disarm Hope. A book came flying toward Hope as she ducked her head.

"Oi! Daph! No cheating!" The auburn haired girl yelled as retracted her axe from the mace with a grunt.

"Then don't tickle me!" Daphne mentioned as she stuck her tongue out.

Flitwick shook his head at the childish banter but had a small smile on his face as he was one of the only people who is able to witness these two girls act like kids. "Girls? Focus."

The 16 year old couple laughed but calmed down a little bit.

Daphne collapsed on their bed after they finished the Duelling class for the day staring up at the stone ceiling. "Sweet Merlin, this was a long day."

Hope was standing in front of her easel as she placed droplets of dark coloured paints onto her pallet mainly consisting of blacks, blues, reds, a medium yellow and some white. Hope picked up a thick brush to start the background for her next painting.

The Tribrid dipped her brush into some turpentine before squeezing out the excess and subconsciously picking a colour to bring to the blank canvas in front of her as Hope was rather distracted at the moment.

Hope hummed both in thought and agreement as she responded to her wife. "Yeah… Do you remember how Luna pulled me aside before lunch as we were packing up our supplies from the Great Hall?"

"You mean after you literally gave everyone their own History of Magic books as well as Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts books?" Daphne mentioned with a proud smirk as kept her glacial eyes locked onto a very interesting stone above her head.

Hope and Daphne etched their symbols into the roof using Viking Runes. Hope used her classic Tribrid runic symbols whereas Daphne has a bonsai tree placed in front of a snowflake. This was one of the most popular things for couples in school to do, write their names or initials into some part of the school grounds. At least that is what Hope told Daphne. The Pureblood Princess was skeptical of this but Hope managed to talk her into it and now she seemingly can't stop staring at it.

Hope smiled to herself. "Who else was going to supply the actual knowledge requirement that the school should have originally included in the first place? We've complained. The School Board argued. Nothing got done. And yet Dumbledore still has the gall to strongly request more books and equipment from mum and dad." Hope finished with a roll of her eyes as she recalled what her parents had mentioned.

"That's fair. Dad told me that the School Board is trying to get more legislations actioned. Apparently the Professors are attempting to implement a no bullying law and give out detentions for repeat offences." Hope's eyes widened at this as she took a small pause to look in Daphne's direction.

"I know right?" Daphne remarked as she could feel Hope's surprise and shock.

"Wow… That's kinda incredible."

"So what were you saying about Luna?" Daphne reminded Hope.

Hope turned back to her painting as she replied. "Luna mentioned that I should lift some of the restrictions from the Slytherin Wardstone."

This had Daphne jerking up so she could sit on the edge of the bed. "Wait. What?"

"She said that the rape restriction didn't need to be altered but the bullying one should be changed soon… Now that you told me that the Professors were wishing to crack down on bullying maybe we should give it a try?" Hope thought aloud as she waited for her wife's opinions on the matter.

"Did she say why?"

"No. Which is why it concerns me so much. If Luna didn't mention why is it because she thinks we will want to kill someone?" Hope remarks with her strategically intuitive Mate.

Daphne frowns. "Maybe… If she told us what happened we would go on a rampage?? But Umbridge, Snape and Dumbledore have already gone after me, you and Freya and we haven't ended up killing them yet. What else could they possibly do?"

Hope places her pallet down and casts a preservation charm over her oil paints. "I think we should see what my parents and aunt think."

Hope and Daphne found all three of Hope's family members in the Infirmary. The two Slytherin girls shivered as they entered the Infirmary as they passed through one of Freya's wards. Madam Pomfrey was in the back room mixing up some Potions as she kept an eye and ear out for any emergencies.

The Healer glanced up to see the two girls quickly scanned them with her eyes as she looked for any obvious injuries: cuts, bruises, limps or blood. When she didn't see any of the signs the Healer looked back down to her Potion and continued as if nothing happened.

"Hey mum, dad, auntie Freya." Hope greeted them as they approached.

The two women and man paused for a moment as they turned to face the incoming Slytherin couple. Nelle responded first, then Freya before Nic wished to finish with a quirky little tease. "Hi sweethearts." "Hello gorgeous girls." "Hi miss troublemaker and her accomplice. What nefarious plans have you concocted for us today? I thought you had already done enough for your first week of school."

Hope rolled her eyes at Nic. "Don't blame me for Umbridge giving out her magnitude of detentions. Although there is a reason I came up here to speak to you."

"What's on your mind Hope?" Nelle asked as she placed a hand on Nic's shoulder.

The Tribrid licked her lips as she opened her mouth. "Luna has requested that I lessen the effects of the Slytherin Wardstone but didn't give a reason why nor a timeline."

The three adults glanced amongst each other at the knowledge their trusted Seer had gifted them. The Slytherin Wardstone was something that Hope and Daphne felt safe in using as a back-up to bullying, but from what they have seen after the 2nd Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. There were less fights, bullying or spells cast behind someone's back. Freya's inclusion within the school, offering Honour Duels, had made a massive impact on how the students now interact with each other.

Although it is only the first week of the school year Freya hasn't had to demand any Honour Duels. The amount of children that would cause discord through the school have either stopped bullying or been neutered by pre-existing Honour Duel stipulations they are forced to obey or lose their magic. There might be 5-10 students left who would put up a fuss and attack someone but these kids would be graduating if they are lucky within the next 3 years. A new era of peace and tranquillity could finally surge through Hogwarts.

The small group of 5 murmured back and forth for nearly 20 minutes as Madam Pomfrey managed to overhear part of Emrys/Flamel conversation and sent out a corporeal Patronus to her colleagues. 3 out of the 4 Heads of House entered the Infirmary with pensive expressions on their face.

"Excuse us." Professor McGonnagall called out from her place up near the doorway so she didn't seem obtrusive to the conversation they were having.

Hope and Daphne turned their heads smoothly as they heard the approaching footsteps but Nic and Nelle jumped at the arrival, Freya was already facing the doors direction and noticed their arrival.

"Is there something you wanted?" Freya asked with a slightly frustrated glint to her eyes.

"We apologise for interrupting you but Poppy had informed us that you were considering removing some of the restrictions on the Slytherin Wardstone? If possible we were hoping that we could make a couple of suggestions for you to think over?" The Deputy Headmistress requested without any anger or expectation in her tone.

Hope observed the three newcomers. McGonnagall seemed cautious as she was afraid of angering the Emrys family or more specifically Hope since they originally got off on the wrong foot. Warrior Flitwick stood ramrod straight, a soldier at ease, ready to defend whomever he believed earned it. Professor Sprout had a kind smile on her face as she stood behind her old friend.

"Alright… What ideas do you wish to share?" Hope answered as she wrapped an arm around Daphne's waist.

The Flamels looked over to Hope with a curious gaze while the Professors McGonnagall and Sprout looked surprised at the invitation. Flitwick and Freya were completely aware that Hope has always been reasonable and willing to listen to other people's ideas. Hope was just incredibly impulsive and believed that her ideas were foolproof and indisputable. Daphne had made a positive influence on Hope, since the Tribrid actually made the effort to always ask for wife's opinion before settling on a matter.

"Oh… Thank you Hope. I'm not sure if you are aware of this but the Professors of Hogwarts except Snape and Umbridge have been doing what they can to stop all forms of bullying. We've been having a moderate degree of success, giving out detentions for minor offences and if there were any major offences we plan on informing Heir Emrys and providing pensive memories." The Deputy Headmistress informed the group as respectfully as she could.

Hope hummed in acknowledgement as she motioned for the Scottish woman to continue which the elderly woman accepted. "I'm not going to ask you to remove the wards you put up to protect the students of Slytherin. You did what you had to to protect them. I understand that now… Don't remove the non-consensual wards in regards to the rape. I'm wondering if we can wean the students off bullying without the…excessively painful magic bringing them to the Infirmary."

"So what? I change the bullying ward to something akin to a slap on the wrist?" Hope suggested.

Sprout answered Hope. "Perhaps. Just remember that you, Freya or even Daphne are able to challenge anyone to an Honour Duel if a student goes too far. Although Umbridge has already created her Inquisitorial Squad to act as her personal spies throughout the castle, looking for anyone breaking Umbridge's strict rules. There have been more detentions in this first week than we have had in an entire year! It's getting ridiculous."

"Knowing this, it may not be the right time to alter the Wardstone." McGonnagall added solemnly.

"Umbridge has created her own little army?" Hope questioned quietly with a small frown etched into her brow.

"Wow… She works fast." Daphne murmured back just as quietly.

"No kidding." The Flamel couple remarked with a disgruntled sneer.

Hope tapped her foot against the stone ground a couple of times as a stray thought crossed her mind as she looked directly at the Deputy Headmistress. "Just wondering but what changed your views on the world? Last I checked you were exceptionally loyal to Dumbledore and now suddenly you stand up for me against Umbridge and Dumbledore who were trying to get me into detention for over a month. I don't understand."

McGonnagall's lips thinned dramatically. "It was you, Hope." The powerful family looked over to the Head of Gryffindor House in absolute shock.

Poppy made her way over to the over Professors. "Actually it was you and your aunt. The two of you were talking in the Infirmary as you made the suggestion that Light-based families were not exempt from Potioning their friends or loved ones. When Heir Emrys walked in with Miss Granger, it got me thinking that perhaps the staff had been given mind-altering Potions."

Hope blinked in surprise at the Healers words. "Apparently you were right. Poppy asked me to drink a Flushing Potion and in return we dosed everyone's cups with the Flushing Potion over the school holidays with the exception of Severus and Dolores. We have a lot to atone for and Albus… Albus belongs in Azkaban as he wilts away into nothing. He's betrayed our trust."

Lady Emrys opened her mouth a few times as she was finally able to find the works for what she was feeling. "In that case. I owe each of you an apology. None of you were in control of your actions and thus you didn't deserve my rage or anger. I'm sorry."

Professor Sprout waved her off. "You helped free our minds and bodies from that old man's manipulative hands. We are forever grateful to you."

"I guess the one piece of good news I can offer you is that Dumbledore is not long for this world and not by anything I did." Hope felt like she needed to point out before she could be accused of doing something she didn't do. "The… Headmaster stupidly decided to place a Cursed item onto his finger. The Curse is slowly eating away at him. His hand has already turned a greyish-black. I doubt that he would make it past another school year with how powerful that Curse is."

"He's dying?!?" McGonnagall remarked with a disbelieving look in her eyes.

Minerva, Pomona, Filius and Poppy all shared a saddened look. As much as they don't approve of what Albus has been doing in Hogwarts and the Ministry as well as trying to stunt Harry's growth as Dumbledore attempts to control the raven haired boy every action and life choices. But they have known and worked with Dumbledore for years, decades even. The news of his oncoming passing was slightly heart-breaking for them.

"He is." Freya announced with the tiniest hint of sympathy. She could understand the pain of losing a long-time colleague or friend as a stab of pain went through her heart at the thought of her brothers.

"He hasn't mentioned anything?" McGonnagall murmured.

"Do you really think he would?" Came the dry humour from the Slytherin Ice Queen. "The Headmaster is all about manipulating and controlling any circumstance to his liking, all under the name of the 'Greater Good'. The only one who would know would be Snape, his beloved Potions Master." Daphne remarked in her normal icy and disinterested tone she uses for practically all her social encounters.

The Professors gave Daphne a look before they sighed, knowing that the blonde girl was only telling the truth and she always talked like she was made of ice unless Hope had managed to pull a smile or laughter from the taller girl.

"I've been wondering this for a while, but why do you always refer to Albus as Dumbledore or Headmaster? I've heard that while you're in a Ministry meeting you call him a barrage of names, although I think 'Mr Dumbledore' is your favourite, why don't you do that here?" Professor Sprout wondered.

Hope clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth in annoyance. "Two reasons mainly. The first being that I am a student of Hogwarts as such I should treat the faculty members respectfully even if I internally hate their guts. Just imagine for a moment, if I didn't give Umbridge her title of Professor when speaking to her she would say I was disrespecting her and would give me a detention and unfortunately she would be allowed to do that."

McGonnagall and Sprout frowned at the explanation that Miss Mikaelson gave as they now wondered if Umbridge was abusing her power as a Professor since they were aware that nearly all the detentions were made by the pink toad. The school had a charter that listed the detentions, the reasoning behind the detention as well as the Professor that gave the detention and from memory, the records show that students were either disrespecting her, ignoring the rules set up in her classroom or being inappropriate with another student.

"The other reason is simply because the Slytherin Wardstone is active and name calling will activate the ward on myself and I'm not a masochist." Daphne and Freya turned to Hope with a raised eyebrow as Hope amended her statement. "At least not anymore."

Everyone's eyes turned to Hope with a questioning look on their faces at the thought of Lady Emrys hurting herself.

"Werewolf remember? My shift literally breaks every bone in my body?" Hope informs them without a hint of remorse.

"Then why did you keep doing that to yourself?" Madam Pomfrey asked with wide eyes.

Hope's downcast expression filled the room. "Punishment… For killing my parents."

Freya released a mournful sigh as she pulled Hope into a hug. "It wasn't your fault, little one."

"Sure feels like it." Hope mumbled into Freya's clavicle, the Tribrid's tone and body language practically screaming for everyone to leave this subject alone. Unsurprisingly everyone in the room got the memo as they awkwardly looked at each other until the auburn haired girl settled down.

Freya passed Hope off to Daphne and the effect was instantaneous. Hope's body relaxed as she leaned into her wife resting her cheek against the blonde's shoulder. The room smiled at the action.

"I think that you should change the Wardstone." Nelle admitted once Hope was calm and was no longer needing reassurances from the Greengrass Heiress. "It's not like you can't change it back." The ancient Healer shrugged as if it was an obvious thought.

Nic decided to voice his concern as well. "Besides it doesn't bid anyone well ignoring your friend and verified Seer who is a descendant of Rowena Rawenclaw herself. Perhaps Rowena encouraged Luna to voice the school's opinion through her?"

Hope looked immensely shocked at that thought. "I hadn't considered that."

The school faculty members were all standing shell-shocked at the little tidbit of information Nicolas Flamel just told them.

"Miss Lovegood is Ravenclaw's descendant?" Flitwick squeaked as he twiddled his tiny fingers.

Daphne turned to the Heads of House and school Healer. "She is… The Grey Lady also confirmed this as well… Does Hogwarts not tell their newest students to get an Inheritance Test done at Gringotts before coming to school? I mean Luna is a Pureblood and she never got this done."

"Only the Sacred Twenty-Eight Houses get an Inheritance Test done prior to coming to Hogwarts. But maybe you are right. Maybe we should have all students tested before coming to school." Flitwick answered the Pureblood Heiress.

Hope turned to Nic and Nelle with a roll of her eyes. "Good thing that my parents only had me do an Inheritance Test because they wanted to adopt me into their family so my Head of House didn't become my Magical Guardian. Nic and Nelle joked about if I had Snape as my Magical Guardian, turns out, not as funny as you would think."

It was early on a lazy Sunday morning as Hope cuddled up tightly against Daphne's back, her soft breasts pressing into the blonde's smooth back.

"Morning love." Hope breathed out into her wife's ear.

Daphne groaned as she snuggled back. "It's not morning yet, go back to bed."

The Tribrid narrowed her gaze into the sun patch on the wall, signifying the early morning sun. Hope chuckled as her fingers played along Daphne's ribs as the Pureblood Heiress smiled at the graze of the Tribrid's fingers.

"Daph." Hope drawled out. "You know we need to get up for our morning run."

Daphne wiggled around in Hope's arms as she came face to face with the gorgeous woman that was all hers. Always and Forever.

The blonde walked her fingers up Hope's bare chest, her cold fingers trailing along Hope's neck had the Werewolf purring at the sensation. "How about… instead of running around the Black Lake… We stay right here and we get our exercise in this bed."

The blonde witch placed a kiss along the line of Hope's jaw each time she took a break in her suggestive undertone.

Hope moaned as her eyes lowered down to the impressive woman who was doing her absolute best to rile up thee Tribrid.

"Bloody hell Daph! We can't keep skipping our morning run to have sex." Hope tried to gather her composure.

"Yes we can. We're still getting in our exercise while simultaneously satisfying myself and your inner Wolf. I'd call that a win-win. Flitwick can just learn to deal with it." Daphne countered as she moved to kiss Hope.

Hope growled into the kiss as the auburn haired girl manoeuvred Daphne with great speed as she hovered over the gasping blonde girl with a sharp smile. Hope had both of Daphne's wrists pinned above her head with one hand as she leaned down with glowing eyes.

"You. Are. A. Bloody. Minx." Hope pressed kisses against Daphne's temples, then cheeks before finishing on the tip of her nose with a tiny bite.

The Ice Queen whimpered as she tried to bury her head further back into the pillow to escape Hope's dangerous teeth. "Hope."

Hope smirked. "I thought that you would be tired after last night's activities."

"Never too tired to be with you. Who would be stupid enough to turn you down?" Daphne struggled her hips between Hope's knees that were bracketing her to the middle of the bed.

Hope trailed her hand down Daphne's sternum, grazing the globes of her wife's boobs but ultimately ignored the other woman's gracious assets as Hope splayed her hand on Daphne's belly. Feeling the ever so subtle hint of abs under the flat stomach.

Daphne was proud to have such a remarkable body shape that her wife was also very appreciative of considering how frequently Hope would touch her stomach. Hope would generally also place kisses all over her belly which had her squirming as the blonde was actually quite ticklish. Daphne wondered if that was the reason Hope focused on her stomach but Daph could feel Hope's genuine gratification as she teased Daphne as she was doing now.

The Greengrass Heiress really shouldn't be skipping over her morning run. But all Daphne truly wanted was to spend more time with the Mikaelson girl.

Daphne gasped as Hope's hand trailed further down to cup her sex. "Hope please?"

"Already begging love?" Hope murmured as she whispered her next words into her wife's ear. "Feeling a little needly are you Daph? Want me to leave you a shuddering mess? Only one that I can build you back up from?"

Daphne whined pathetically as she forced her legs wider for Hope.

"Good girl." Hope breathed as her fingers slid easily through the blonde's slick heat. "You are so wet love."

"I only get this wet with you darling." Daphne moaned as she threw her head back against the pillows as Hope's fingers brushed over her clit, rubbing circles on the sensitive nub of nerves.

"Leave your hands there otherwise you will regret it love."

Daphne nodded her head quickly as she pressed her arms strongly into the mattress as she immediately followed Hope's instruction. Hope softly released Daphne's wrists slowly, waiting to see if her beloved Ice Queen would ignore her and act like a bratty princess or if she would be the submissive good girl who wants to be controlled just for a few hours.

Apparently it was the latter this morning.

Hope moved her entire body down the lovely expanse of her wife's exquisite body, trailing kisses along the way. Hope's hands moved up to cup Daphne's breasts causing the blonde to groan in frustration at the new position of her wife's hands.

"Shhh love. I'll give you exactly what you want in time. I always do. Just be patient." Hope told the other woman as Daphne grunted in an attempt to relax under the teasing hands and mouth on her torso.

Daphne was sweating after the intense rounds of marathon sex as Hope had brought the Slytherin Ice Queen to not one, not two but three powerful orgasms in the span of 20 minutes. Daphne groaned wantonly as Hope thrusted into her reddened pussy with a rather thick strap-on made of ice that Daphne created that was roughly 10 inches long.

Hope moaned at the sensation of the ice dildo that Daphne had form fitted to her hips. Daphne somehow figured out how to make the base of the strap vibrate against the Tribrid's clit.

The blonde was on her hands and knees in a classic doggy-style position before lowering her arms and head down lower to arch her back. Allowing Hope to hit a much deeper spot within her depths with the ice appendage causing Daphne to groan loudly upon each time Hope bottomed out within her.

"Fuck! Harder! Faster! Please Hope! I need more!." Daphne cried out through the bedsheets as her nails clawed at the bedsheets.

Hope growled with a fanged smirk as her claws snicked Daphne's cool pale skin with barely there scratches. Thin red lines slowly spread up from her waist down to her hips. Hope gave her a quick swat as she moved faster.

A loud obscene moan sounded through the room at the sound of the slap echoing against the stone walls. Daphne can be extremely loud when she wants to be and the Werewolf girl thrives off the noises her Mate screams in ecstasy. It makes her want to puff her chest in pride knowing that she was the one bringing Daphne immense pleasure.

"Such a good girl for me. Taking a much bigger strap." Daphne moaned as her warm inner walls clamped onto the icicle rod penetrating her.

Hope leaned down as she bent over Daphne's ass, one hand leaving the witch's soft skin to move some of her wife's sweaty and tangled mass of blonde hair out of her face before placing her hand down flat next to Daphne's face.

Auburn hair framed Hope's face as she whispered into Daphne's now visible ear. "Who knew the prim and proper Ice Queen would be such a size queen?"

"Merlin! You said th-that I should try something a bit- - bit bigger. I was only doing what you suggested dar-darling. Shit, you feel so good inside me." Daphne husked out as she adjusted to the new position Hope was in.

The strap was now hitting against the soft spongy wall inside her, a bulge was now showing in Daphne's lower abdomen at the angle. Hope moved the hand still on Daphne's hip as she retracted her claws. The Tribrid's hand was originally heading to the small bundle of nerves but as Hope grazed over the bump just below her navel. Both of the girls moaned at this feeling.

"I may have told you to try something larger but you are the one who decided to add another 3 inches onto your icy strap-on. That's all on you love."

Daphne whimpered at Hope's warm breath in her ear as the blonde tried to make eye contact with the woman above her. Another strong thrust had Daphne groaning as she squeezed her eyes shut as a surge of pleasure flooded through her.

Daphne screamed as Hope ripped another orgasm out of her. "Shit! Hope!" Hope didn't slow down as she dragged out Daphne's fourth orgasm of the morning.

Hope had no idea how the ice dildo was still able to work so well considering the contradicting temperatures inside Daphne wet heat and also the little problem that Daphne's magic keeps faculating every time she cums. The ice should technically be melting each time the blonde witch experiences an earth-shattering climax that only Hope can produce from her.

Theoretically the icicle dildo should've melted anytime Daphne came but somehow the ice doesn't even alter its shape. Not even once.

The dildo still acted like ice but didn't have the properties one would expect. It remained completely cold, wet and pulsing in time with Daphne's heartbeat which was absolutely racing on Hope's clit and inside Daphne's pussy.

Heat was building up inside Hope's lower belly as she felt herself overheating. "I love the sounds you make Daph." The Tribrid breathed out as she rightened herself back to a kneeling position behind Daphne.

Hope pulled out of Daphne quickly as she flipped the blonde onto her back causing a little yelp to escape her lips. The Pureblood Princess kept herself completely open to Hope's intense gaze as her body fell bonelessly against the soft mattress in absolute bliss.

Hope crawled over Daphne's body as she pressed lingering kisses all along her Ice Queen's alluring skin leading up from Daphne's thighs all the way up to the blonde's lips.

"Think you can take one more love?" The soft skin of Hope's lips brushed against her wife's warm breath.

Daphne breathed out as her hands rose up to encircle Hope's neck as she returned the kiss. "Only if I can touch you. Please? I've been so good for you. Please."

The Tribrid smiled longingly down at Daphne. "I suppose that seems fair."

Hope entered Daphne's wet core once more at a languid pace making the blonde feel every ridge and bump of the thick icicle strap around Hope's waist. Daphne gave a long groan at the extraordinarily slow penetration.

Hope lowered herself as her hands ran along Daphne's torso as the auburn haired girl attempted to distract her Mate with her gentle touch. If Daphne was able she would be running her hands all over Hope but she was exhausted that even moving her arms was practically impossible but she needed to hold Hope.

Daphne loved the feeling of holding Hope as the Tribrid made love to her. That what this final round of sex truly was. Hope had her fun dominating Daphne and bringing the blonde to multiple climaxes whereas Daphne experienced perfect tranquillity as she gave up her control to someone she trusted undoubtedly not to take advantage of her.

It made the blonde witch feel remarkably at peace. Not needing to wear a mask for a single moment when she is singularly within Hope's presence. Such clarity she doesn't experience with anyone else, not even her parents. The closest person she is able to be herself with would be Astoria then Freya, the third person on her list was Fleur.

Hope opened her mouth as she covered Daphne's lips. Daphne immediately responded as her mouth opened and Hope accepted the invitation with open arms as Hope's tongue dived into the blonde's warm mouth as Hope dominated the kiss. Hope's tongue swirled around Daphne's strong muscle inside the Heiress's mouth.

Daphne's muffled moan was stifled by Hope's mouth as the Tribrid began to move in and out of Daphne's inner walls as the blonde's breath hitched and shuddered in anticipation at the relaxing but all so pleasurable pace.

Daphne's fingers linked behind Hope's neck as she pulled her wife closer. Her legs moved up to rest against Hope's hips as she squeezed the other girl closer. Daphne groaned at the small change in position and the slightly faster speed.

Eventually Hope let out a whimper as she felt the pool of arousal in her lower belly as she removed her lips from her wife's.

"Fuck, I'm close. How close are you love?" Hope muttered as her hips jerked faster into Daphne who now had the ability to release a long powerful moan into the room.

"Just waiting for you."

Hope chuckled as she pressed her forehead against Daphne's. "Still such a good girl for me. You are incredible."

Daphne moaned as the praise as her near black eyes, blown up with arousal locked into Hope's sea-blue orbs as the Greengrass Heiress cradled Hope's face. "Cum." Daphne breathed into Hope's ear.

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