A Certain Magical Haruka

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Last Order ran up to the two with a huge smile on her face, proudly displaying the completed puzzle on the table.

"Amazing, Last Order! And in such a short time as well!"

"'MISAKA had lots of practice,' says MISAKA as MISAKA smiles with pride."

"Well, did you see the design in the puzzle when you finished it?"

Last Order nodded happily and went over to the table. The completed ice puzzle showed an etching of a beach landscape, with rippling waves and tiny umbrellas on the beach

Accelerator took one glance at the puzzle with an expressionless face. "Not a bad job, brat."

"'Did Accelerator-san just compliment MISAKA?' Asks MISAKA because MISAKA can't believe her ears."

"Yes I did, brat, and I'm not saying it again."

Haruka laughed. "Come on, Last Order; let's show this to the adults. Yomikawa! Come take a look."

Yomikawa stepped out of the kitchen and headed over to the table. "Did Last Order do this by herself?" Last Order nodded. "Amazing skill. Nice landscape, Hakutsuki."

"It wasn't that hard to make. Just needed a little imagination. By the way, where's Yoshikawa?"

"Check our bedroom. She should be in there."

Haruka went to the adults's bedroom and knocked on the closed door.

"Yoshikawa, Last Order wants to show you something."

"Okay, give me a second."

Haruka heard a muffled thump and the sound of something sliding across the floor, and then Yoshikawa appeared at the door.

"What was all that noise?"

"Don't worry, I just dropped something. Did Last Order want to show me something?"

"Yeah. I made an ice puzzle for her and she finished it pretty quickly. She's pretty proud of herself right now."

"Okay then, I'll take a look."

Yoshikawa went past Haruka into the living room. Haruka took a quick peek in the room. She saw a metal looking object poking out of the space underneath a bed. Leaning closer but not entering the room, she saw strange markings on the object.

I wonder what that is, Haruka mused. Before she could muster the courage to enter the room, she heard Yomikawa's voice call, "Dinnertime!"

I definitely should tell Accelerator about this later. Haruka closed the door and hurried off into the living room.


"Good job on not burning the vegetables this time, Aiho."

"I did not burn them last time, they were overcooked."

"I wonder how that happened."

Haruka laughed and whispered to Accelerator, "They're acting a lot more childish than Last Order."

"Get used to it. It happens in practically every meal." Accelerator had barely touched his plate of food.

"Seriously, aren't you going to eat anything?"

"Not hungry."

"You barely ate anything for lunch, and you ate nothing at the amusement park."

"I barely even ate before I moved in with Yomikawa."


"Don't ask. I just barely eat. I lived on coffee."

"You'll probably grow as thin as thread. I could blow you to England with one gust of wind."

"One, that's scientifically impossible, two, I doubt you have enough strength to summon a tornado strong enough to blow me away." He let out a short laugh. "You could test it on the brat first."

"'What are you two talking about?' Asks MISAKA as MISAKA looks at the two curiously."

"How far Hakutsuki could probably blow you away with one gust of wind, brat. I'm guessing England. Or even North America."

"'Hey, MISAKA doesn't want to be blown away!' Cries MISAKA as MISAKA gets angry at Accelerator-san."

"Relax, Last Order, I'm not going to do that. Accelerator was just joking with you. At least I think he is."

"I don't joke," Accelerator replied with the merest hint of a smirk. "I'm telling the truth."

"Sure you are."

Yomikawa and Yoshikawa glanced toward the teens.

"He's gotten livelier since Hakutsuki came," Yoshikawa observed.

"Do you think she can crack his expressionless exterior?"

"She's gotten closer than any of us. Maybe it has to do with their pasts."

"Well, I hope she does. He's far too grouchy for his own good."


After dinner, Last Order had gone to her bedroom to read a magazine, and the adults were busy watching the news on TV. Accelerator and Haruka were sitting on Haruka's bed conversing about what she saw in the adults's bedroom.

"A metal box with strange patterns and designs? That doesn't sound like something Yoshikawa would own. I didn't see it in any of the moving boxes she brought here when we moved in."

"I saw it poking out of the space under the bed. Before she opened the door, I heard something slide across the ground, so I'm guessing that was it."

"What did the designs look like?"

Some water formed in Haruka's hand and shifted to create a couple swirling patterns in circles.

"I couldn't see much, but this is a rough idea."

"I have no idea what they mean."

Haruka let out a gasp of recognition. "This is it! Why don't I think of it earlier? But why would Yoshikawa have something like this?"

"What are you talking about?"

"These are magic circles."

"What? Don't tell me you hit your head somewhere before I got you off the streets."

"I did not hit my head. And I'm surprised you don't know magic exists. Well, only a few people in Academy City know."

"And why did you think I'd know magic exists?"

"Just a guess. After all, how would you explain the white wings and the halos of light a few months ago?"

"You saw them?"


"You said you were locked up in the lab!"

"The scientists trained hidden security cameras all over the city. Just the public places. I saw everything. Sadly for them, I destroyed all of them before I escaped."

"How do you know about magic then?"

"I seriously don't know. I'm betting it's something from my past."

"What the hell is everybody hiding?"

"Don't ask me. I'm just as much in the dark as you are. Well, now you know magic exists."

"Yeah, but I know nothing else about it."

Haruka promptly launched into a long explanation of magic, religion, and everything else she knew. Accelerator just sat and listened, absorbing the information. After she finished, the two sat silently, until Accelerator broke the silence with a question that was on both teens' minds.

"Do you think magic has something to do with our pasts?"

"Most likely. Hey, can I try something?"


"Let me read your mind."

"You're not going to control me, are you?"

"No. I'm just going to take a look at your past."

"Don't be surprised if you see mostly violence or blood."

"Don't worry; I know what I'm looking for. Now, give me your hand."

"Just don't do any damage to my mind. I'd rather not be reduced to a mindless fool."

"I won't. Just a warning, you will feel my presence in your mind and you'll recall your memories as I'm searching. Don't push my presence away."

"Why didn't you tell the brat that?"

"Mind control and mind reading are different. Now hurry up."

"Alright then." Accelerator cautiously extended his left hand, and Haruka clasped it in her right hand. She closed her eyes, concentrating. Suddenly, Accelerator felt a presence just hovering outside his consciousness, trying to get in. Remembering what Haruka said, he allowed the presence to enter his head. Involuntarily, his eyes also closed.

Can you hear me, Accelerator?

Is that you, Hakutsuki?


Okay, this is kind of creepy.

Well, this is our only way of communication now. Now, will you let me see your memories?


Accelerator suddenly recalled the day's events, going backwards to the day before, and then two days ago, and then to the time when he rescued Haruka.

Hakutsuki, what's going on?

I told you you'd be reliving your memories. Hang on; I'm going to speed up. Don't pass out.

Not intentionally, at least.

Accelerator felt a rush of dizziness, as more memories surfaced, and then the rush stopped to one scene he didn't remember: the black wings sprouting out of his back, his lips moving in a strange language as Kihara Amata was blasted out of the building, the black wings encasing the man.

Hey, I don't remember any of this.

I can clearly see that this is from your perspective, Accelerator. Don't tell me you were possessed or something.

I probably was.

And you remember nothing?


More memories were recalled: hunting and killing the Hound Dogs, searching for Last Order in the mall, moving in with Yomikawa, getting shot in the head by Amai Ao, letting Last Order stay in his old apartment, his defeat at the hands of Kamijou Touma, his confrontation with the Railgun Misaka Mikoto after the death of MISAKA-9982, his battle with the first MISAKA clone, being taken in to the Special Abilities Institute, and suddenly, he was back in that playground so many years ago.

Hakutsuki, why are you stopping?

Give me one second. These memories don't feel right.

What do you mean?

Okay, this is weird.

What is it?

This isn't your past. These are artificial memories, created with machines and not your own mind.

How would you know?

I can tell when a memory is formed by the mind. These memories leading up to the Special Abilities Institute are not connected to the mind in any way.

Are you saying my entire past was a fake one?


And suddenly, the image of the playground cracked and shattered, leaving only a black, empty void.

What did you do, Hakutsuki?

I'm trying to reach your true memories. They're hidden extremely well for some reason.

A white light abruptly appeared and formed shapes, circles with triangles and smaller circles in patterns inside.

Oh no, this isn't good.

What's going on? What's the light for?

Accelerator, let go of my hand right now.

Accelerator commanded his hand to pull away from Haruka's. For some reason, his hand remained unmoving, not even twitching.

I can't!

Damn it! The only way for this to stop is if we break the mental link.

What is it?

A magic seal.

There's magic in my head?!

Apparently yes. I think willing them away will have nasty results, so don't try it.

Then what do I do?

Hang in there and hope for the best. I can't do anything either.

The circles started growing larger and larger, glowing brighter until the entire void was filled with light. And then it expanded outwards. Accelerator could sense his hand burning, and then felt a sudden jolt. He heard a scream from Haruka and a bang as the door slammed open…

And suddenly he was on the floor, Haruka out cold on top of him, pinning his body to the ground.

"What the hell happened here?" Yomikawa demanded.

"Aiho, let me handle this." Haruka groaned and tried to get up. Yoshikawa walked over and helped Haruka up and onto the bed, allowing Accelerator room to struggle into a sitting position on the floor.

"What happened?"

"I was trying to see his past, but something was blocking his memories."

"'Are Hakutsuki-san and Accelerator-san alright?' Asks MISAKA as MISAKA looks at them worriedly."

"Don't worry about me, brat. I'm fine."

"I'm alright, Last Order. Thanks for asking."

Yoshikawa straightened up. "Aiho, get Last Order out of this room and get the first-aid kit. Their hands look like they've been burnt."

"Come on, Last Order. Let's go." Yomikawa led the little girl outside. Yoshikawa turned to the two.

"I should have known something like this would happen."

"Yoshikawa, why are there magic seals in Accelerator's mind?"

"Forget the magic and don't speak in riddles. Is it true that the memories of my childhood I can recall are fake?"

Yoshikawa looked shocked. "You figured that out?"

"I sensed it when I was in his mind and told him."

"Also, what's with that box under your bed?"

Yoshikawa let out a rueful sigh. "Looks like I didn't hide it well enough. Okay, I'll tell you all I can once your hands get looked at."

Since all the excitement had died down, the espers finally felt the burning pain in their hands. The skin was an angry red colour, and painful looking blisters were bubbling up.

Yomikawa entered the room with the first aid kit. She covered the burnt areas with ointment and then wrapped bandages around the affected hands.

"Kikyou, what do we do?"

"We have to tell them now, Aiho. Oh, what's Last Order doing?"

"I let her watch TV again. She didn't want to sleep so early."

"What time is it?"

"9 o'clock."

"It would be better if we told you in our bedroom. Come with us, you two."

The adults got up and left the room. Haruka looked silently at Accelerator, a question in her eyes. He gave her a brief nod. She touched Accelerator's arm with her unburned hand and sent a thought.

Do you think we'll know now?

I doubt it. I'm guessing they'll tell us the least of it.

Let's go then.

Haruka removed her hand from Accelerator's arm, and the two walked together to the adults' bedroom.

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