The Hungry Fortress Wants to Build a Battleship in Another World – World of Sandbox

vol. 2 chapter 9 - 565 Days After Transfer: Ringo’s Diary #2

[Day 565 Post-Transfer – Something Like Ringo’s Diary]
The Tree Fortress
We are currently constructing a universal industrial printer for large vessels. The necessary materials have finally been secured thanks to iron ore imports from Iron Town.

Although the plan was in place from the start, unexpected events have repeatedly forced us to revise it. The most significant issue has been the extermination of Rain Croix.
Its impact has been considerable: one Alpha-Class Destroyer was reduced to scrap, material consumption spiked for ammunition replenishment, and one of our large vessel docks became unusable.
That said, we’ve managed to make meaningful gains, so overall, the losses and gains balance out on the positive side.

Considering the current import rate of iron ore, the expansion of construction facilities will keep us occupied for some time. Until the second coastal fortress becomes operational and enables independent mining, we will likely face ongoing material shortages.
We have surveyed the reserves of a nearby seabed mine, and while we’d like to set up a mining platform there, estimates indicate the process will take several years.
There are material shortages for the platform itself, and we’ll also need to construct work submarines. Furthermore, we require offshore platforms to recover resources, but given the current material balance, such plans are currently out of reach.

The design for the fusion reactor, which uses deuterium as fuel, has been completed. It must be constructed before the full-scale operation of various large-scale manufacturing equipment.
While establishing a plant for deuterium collection took time, the reactor’s construction itself will not take as long. Deuterium recovery is progressing smoothly and according to plan, with no concerns on this front.
The overall defensive capability of The Tree Fortress has been enhanced, taking lessons from the battle against Rain Croix.
This includes additional fortress cannons and increased rapid-response forces.

The microwave power transmission system has been installed at the fortress's apex, and operational tests have been successfully completed. Microwave receivers have been installed on several Alpha-Class Destroyers, and experiments with railgun electromagnetic accelerators are planned.
Although operations will remain restricted to areas surrounding The Tree Fortress for the time being, these enhancements significantly bolster our combat capabilities.
The Commander

The Commander seems to be spending their days in good spirits, fluctuating between joy and frustration over resource quantities, chatting with the humanoid android Five Sisters, or observing activities in Telek Harbor and Iron Town.
The food supply issue has mostly been resolved. We’ve established a reliable route to procure essential ingredients from Telek Harbor and have begun raising livestock, ensuring a steady supply of fresh ingredients.
We’ve also managed to stock a variety of seasonings, allowing us to prepare the desired meals without issue.

Speaking of which, the Commander expressed an interest in cooking. I invited them to try, but their handling of knives was precarious, so I assigned them to mixing instead.
I should have provided a less sharp ceramic knife—this will be a task for next time. The dish we made together was exceptionally delicious, and I hope to make this a regular activity. A group activity, such as a barbecue involving all seven of us, might also be worth considering. Cookie baking is another potential idea.
The Commander has no particular desire to leave The Tree Fortress or travel, which is a relief.
If they had expressed a desire to see locations firsthand or travel, we would have been left with few options. The worst-case plan involved preparing VR equipment and administering sedatives to induce sleep, but thankfully, none of that has been necessary.
According to the Commander, they’re getting more sunlight now than in their previous life. I’ve refrained from asking for many details about their life before transferring here, but I wonder if that was truly acceptable.

The library suggests humans are more active and typically experience stress if unable to go outside. I’d like to learn more about their past environment, but the topic never comes up, making it difficult to broach.
Once the communications infrastructure is complete, they’ll be able to use humanoid android communicators for simulated excursions. With this, I believe the Commander’s living environment will be nearly ideal. If desired, we could increase the number of humanoid androids or even simulate adventure scenarios through the communicators.
Incidentally, genetic analysis indicates that cellular aging due to lifespan limitations does not occur. With sufficient stockpiled stem cells, we should be able to live alongside the Commander for the foreseeable future.

Northern Continent
The Afrazia United Kingdom is currently fragmented into a chaotic warlord era. We have no plans to intervene unless it affects Telek Harbor or Iron Town. However, should promising resources be discovered, that stance may change.
The royal parliament no longer seems able to maintain authority, and our calculations suggest no significant issue with intervention on our part if necessary. In any case, our current lack of military power prevents action for now.

The Forest Nation of Rebresta to the east remains an enigma, so we are maintaining a cautious watch. Telek Harbor’s merchant leader is preparing to send envoys, but the journey remains too dangerous, requiring military escorts on our end. Deploying mechanical forces might reveal too much about our capabilities, so careful deliberation is required.
The Reputari Kingdom continues to expand its navy. We’ve confirmed the increase in paddle-armored ships. However, sending solar-powered reconnaissance drones (Swift) over their territory risks detection, so surveillance is limited to sea routes.
It may be worth establishing contact once The Tree Fortress’s military capabilities are fully secured. While direct intervention in the Afrazia United Kingdom seems unlikely, their fleet could approach us via open waters. Currently, they lack long-range fleet capabilities, but their history of annihilating the Northern Isles demands caution.

The Five Sisters
The development of the brain units installed in humanoid androids is progressing well. Each of the five sisters is growing into a unique personality.
Initial operational plans to diversify their abilities and personalities proved unnecessary, as their neural network systems developed far more freely than anticipated. The resulting data is highly intriguing and will inform future efforts.

The primary education phase is expected to conclude in 2–3 years. The duration varies based on each unit’s growth toward full independence. Without a clear standard for autonomy, transitioning to the secondary mass-production phase will depend on consistent results in their respective specialties.
Their current roles as companions have significantly contributed to the Commander’s mental well-being. Once the primary education phase concludes, preparing new brain units for additional androids may also be beneficial.

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