The Hungry Fortress Wants to Build a Battleship in Another World – World of Sandbox

vol. 1 chapter 34 - If There’s No Bread, Eat Kelp

Chapter 34: If There’s No Bread, Eat Kelp

"Kombu, a type of seaweed. By drying it, it becomes lightweight, compact, and long-lasting. It can be eaten as-is, though consuming it in large quantities might cause health issues. If eaten daily, it’s better to rehydrate it first to dissolve harmful substances."
"…I see. As a provisional food source, it’s not bad. Above all, it’s lightweight and compact, which is ideal. Easy to store, easy to transport by cart—light and small is always best."
At the moment, a humanoid mechanical communicator controlled by Ringo was pitching kombu to Kulavia Telek.

"So, Zwei, while this might be useful, you do realize it’s not suitable as a staple food, right?"
"I’m aware. We don’t produce grains in quantities sufficient for trade. For that, we can only apologize."
"No need for apologies. It’s not something you’re obligated to provide. Supplying staples is our responsibility. However, I must admit, even with all the kombu you bring, I can’t justify trading much for it…"

As expected, Kulavia Telek was focused solely on the needs of his town. Refugees squatting outside the town’s borders were of no concern to him. They were strangers, unrelated to the town’s citizens or their families. Even as fellow countrymen, they were more like neighbors to be wary of, given the nation’s fragmented political state.
"These," Zwei gestured to the kombu, "or an equivalent food supply, should be provided to the refugees outside the town."
"…!? That’s…" Telek gasped, taken aback by the sudden mention of refugees.

"You’re likely aware that they’ll eventually turn into a full-blown mob. To prevent this, you must provide food and earn their goodwill."
"Well… yes, I had considered that, but…"
"Eliminating them entirely is also an option, but I find that too extreme. Ideally, we should absorb them. At the very least, we’re severely lacking manpower."

Kulavia Telek fell silent, pondering Zwei’s words. The fact that he didn’t outright reject the proposal was a sign he saw some merit in it. Of course, the reality that Paraiso held the town’s fate in its hands likely influenced his consideration.
"…Understood. I’ll bring up the matter of providing food to the refugees during the merchant guild’s next meeting. How much kombu do you have prepared this time?"
"This shipment contains roughly a thousand units in these boxes. If there are no issues, we can bring more next time. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, we also have this—water."

"…Water? You mean in those white boxes?"
The next item was a new product devised by Commander Eve: 50-liter cellulose containers of sterilized drinking water. These containers, as long as they remained intact, were non-perishable and could be stored for years, with a practical shelf life of about five years.
"That’s right. They’re sealed to prevent contamination. When used, the container must be broken open. While your town doesn’t seem to have water issues, I doubt the same can be said for the refugees."

"The grasslands… yes, those are fed by natural springs, or so it’s said. But with so many people occupying the area, the water is likely already polluted. …So, you’re offering these?"
"Correct. We didn’t initially plan to bring so many, but they’ve been used as ballast for our cargo. The containers are sturdy but brittle, so handle them carefully. Once empty, they can be burned for fuel."
"Understood. I’ll include the water in our discussions."
The refugee issue was a problem Telek Harbor Town couldn’t address on its own. While they couldn’t ignore the situation, they also had no resources to spare. If Paraiso could offer a solution, the town would likely be inclined to cooperate.

"We also want to conduct a small experiment with food production."
"…An experiment?"
At Zwei’s signal, the accompanying humanoid mechanical communicator, Drei, placed a bag on the table.

"We’ve brought tubers. If cultivated properly, they should be harvestable in about 90 days."
"Potatoes? From what I know, they don’t grow well in this region."
The tubers brought in were a type of taro, a variety suited to warmer climates. These were collected by bots infiltrating nearby villages.

"That’s true for cold-weather potatoes. These, however, thrive in warmer regions. Cultivating them could provide a stable food source."
"…I see. Efforts like these will be necessary moving forward."
"We could also integrate the refugees into agricultural work. If not overworked, even women and children could contribute."

After careful consideration by Ringo, Commander Eve, and the five sisters, the plan was to assign the majority of the refugees to farming. While there wasn’t much arable land near Telek Harbor Town, the plains where the refugees had gathered could be converted into farmland. Though uneven, it was a viable option for the immediate future. Longer-term, clearing the surrounding forests for farmland was also under consideration.
"If we provide food and work for the refugees…" Telek began.
"The men can be trained as soldiers, while women and children are assigned to farming. Those unable to work could take on smaller tasks, like cottage industries. Even without wages, exchanging food for labor should sustain them for a few years."

"…Heh. You’ve thought this through. I’d almost want you at our guild meetings."
"If necessary, though for now, this is your decision to make."
"I understand. Still, your thoroughness is almost intimidating."

Satisfied with Telek’s acceptance, Ringo moved to the next step.
"To clear farmland, you’ll need tools. We’ll provide them."
"I see… Yes, that’s true. I’ll leave it to you. Frankly, we can’t handle this on our own. I’ll follow your lead, even if it’s humbling to admit."

Ringo felt relieved. Any resistance from Telek would have reduced the plan’s chances of success. With his agreement, the operation could proceed.
"Commander Ma’am, Kulavia Telek has agreed. Shall we begin the plan?"
"Yes, proceed. Keep me updated on its progress."

"Yes, Commander Ma’am."
The priority now was securing food. Part of the harvested kombu would go through the drying process. Schools of sardine-like fish would be caught and processed into dried products. Additionally, a new venture into fish farming was set to begin. With access to aquaculture research in their database, all that was needed was the right equipment. Rafts would be constructed within The Tree for fish farming in the waters off Telek Harbor.
Equipment for food production, farming tools, stealth bots for infiltration, and defensive machinery were loaded onto the newly built second cargo ship. Along with the destroyer Charlie, they were dispatched immediately.

"Did we pack plenty of cutters this time?" the Commander asked.
"Yes, Commander Ma’am. They’ll be used for fishing and managing aquaculture. We’re also planning to produce fish-based fertilizers to grow large-scale crops. Ideally, we’d conduct cultivation experiments first, but time is against us."
"True. If we’d acted sooner, we could’ve tested this on land somewhere."

"Yes, Commander Ma’am. We’ll treat this as a lesson and improve in the future."
"Good. I’m counting on you, Ringo."

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