Chapter 10: Chapter 10: First Command, Initial Trust
The leaping Feline immediately caught the attention of the Kulu-Ya-Ku.
The Kulu-Ya-Ku let out a cry of surprise, tilting its head upward. But what greeted it was the short blade in Rucao's hands, glowing with white light.
A sharp blade struck!
With a pained screech, the Kulu-Ya-Ku staggered backward, its talons loosening their grip. The half-eaten egg slipped and shattered on the ground with a crack, egg fluid spreading all over.
The Kulu-Ya-Ku's eyes widened as it stared at the broken egg, its expression filled with disbelief and shock.
Taking advantage of the monster's stunned state, Su Yi leaped down as well, rushing toward the pile of eggs and swiftly cradling the Rathalos egg in his arms.
"Phew, this is heavier than I thought!" Su Yi took a deep breath, adjusting his hold on the egg.
The Kulu-Ya-Ku snapped back to its senses and immediately locked onto Su Yi—the thief! First, he interrupted its meal, then he spilled its food, and now he was even stealing the delicious treat it had planned to savor last.
"Gak Gak Gak!"
Fury ignited in the Kulu-Ya-Ku's eyes. It craned its neck, letting out a shrill cry, its body tensed in preparation for battle.
"Come out, Great Jagras!"
If it had been before, Su Yi might have hesitated, but things were different now.
A massive green reptile, over ten meters long, emerged in the hollow of the tree, making the already tight space feel even more cramped.
The Great Jagras bellowed loudly, venting its frustration from being confined inside the ball.
But the Kulu-Ya-Ku, blinded by anger, paid no mind to the sudden appearance of the Great Jaggi. With two quick strides, it lunged forward, swiping its talons fiercely.
"Dodge, Great Jagras!" Su Yi attempted to issue a command.
Naturally, a monster with no concept of a trainer wouldn't care for such instructions. Seeing the Kulu-Ya-Ku displaying aggressive intent, the Great Jagras instinctively saw it as an outlet for its own pent-up frustration.
Instead of dodging, the Great Jagras opened its jaws and retaliated with a vicious bite.
Neither side came out unscathed. The Great Jagras, still recovering from previous injuries, had its wounds torn open once more. Meanwhile, the Kulu-Ya-Ku suffered another nasty bite wound.
Both monsters roared defiantly, their claws and fangs itching for another round.
Su Yi pressed his fingers to his forehead in frustration.
"This can't go on. This is the perfect opportunity—they're evenly matched. I need to try commanding the Great Jagras."
His expression grew serious as he swiftly loaded his wrist-mounted slinger.
The two monsters clashed again—no tactics, just raw instinct-driven combat.
After another intense exchange, they both panted heavily, watching each other, waiting for the next chance to strike.
Whoosh! Smack!
Suddenly, a small rock shot past and struck the ground behind the Great Jagras. The startled creature turned its head sharply in irritation.
There stood Su Yi, one hand raised with his slinger, the other gripping the Great Jagras's capture ball. His face was solemn as he shouted, "You can understand me, can't you?"
Ever since he had captured the Great Jagras, its strangely human-like expressions had made him suspicious. Did monsters with Pokémon traits also gain the intelligence and instincts of Pokémon?
This was his chance to confirm it!
The Great Jagras, hearing his words, froze. It stared at Su Yi, its face filled with contemplation and confusion.
"As I thought! That human-like expression is proof!"
Excitement surged in Su Yi's heart. This meant that commanding monsters in battle was possible—it wasn't just simple beast fighting.
"Gak Gak Gak!"
The Kulu-Ya-Ku, seeing its opponent hesitate, lowered its head and tapped the ground with its beak, using its sensitive organ to search for hidden stones beneath the surface.
"You must be confused, right?" Su Yi spoke quickly, noticing the Kulu-Ya-Ku's movements.
"Suddenly, you're thinking about things you've never thought of before. There's this strange power inside you, and you've been trapped in that ball… What does the future hold for you?"
Su Yi's voice was firm and sincere.
"But you can trust me! We'll be partners in battle, we'll travel to many places, face countless challenges together, and find the meaning behind all of this!"
The Great Jagras's eyes flickered with uncertainty. But this time, instead of growling instinctively at the Kulu-Ya-Ku, it simply observed the opponent with newfound contemplation.
Meanwhile, the Kulu-Ya-Ku had finally found what it was searching for—it dug up a large rock and held it in its claws.
Su Yi clenched his fists in anticipation. He knew he was halfway to success!
"Gak Gak!"
Growing impatient, the Kulu-Ya-Ku leaped high into the air, raising the heavy rock to smash down upon the Great Jaggi.
The Great Jagras tensed, its claws scraping against the ground as if preparing to counterattack—yet it held itself back.
Su Yi seized the moment.
"Dodge backward!" he shouted.
With a low growl of acknowledgment, the Great Jagras pushed off with its powerful limbs, leaping backward just as the rock came crashing down, sending dust flying.
"Now! Use Body Slam!" Su Yi clenched his fist and pumped it in the air.
The Great Jagras reared up, and a mysterious energy awakened within its body.
It was a power it had never wielded before, but with Su Yi's command, it instinctively grasped how to use it.
As the monster raised its body, white energy flickered across its belly—unstable, inconsistent, but undeniably strong.
The sheer force of the attack nearly crushed the Kulu-Ya-Ku.
Both monsters were heavily wounded—the Kulu-Ya-Ku was exhausted, and the Great Jagras, though also injured, had used its bulk and newfound ability to deal a devastating blow.
"Beautiful!" Su Yi cheered, pumping his fist.
The Kulu-Ya-Ku shakily rose to its feet, its rage diminishing as it realized its precarious condition.
"Finish it! Use Bite!"
The Great Jagras lunged forward, fangs glowing white as energy extended them into razor-sharp weapons.
With a ferocious chomp, the Kulu-Ya-Ku let out a wail as its scales were torn apart.
"Now toss it away!" Su Yi commanded.
The Great Jagras exhaled sharply, summoning all its strength to shake its head and fling the Kulu-Ya-Ku across the ground.
The Kulu-Ya-Ku let out another cry of pain as it crashed down.
The Great Jagras howled in victory, reveling in its unleashed power.
"That should do it. Now for the final step—time for a clean capture!"
Su Yi pulled out a capture ball, aiming at the fallen Kulu-Ya-Ku.