ressurected in Pokemon with a system

Chapter 16: The summit of Mt. Coronet.

Dawn and I left Hearthome City And headed towards Mt. Coronet, it was said that the energy of creation was spawned here that it was the holy ground of Arceus, basically it was like Pokemon Mount Sinai fortunately for us there was a hotel and hot spring resort here, Dawn and I each got a bath in the hot spring whenever I heard the sounds of laughter coming from The other side where Dawn was.

Apparently Cynthia had come over to the hot spring and they wound up spending time in the spring.

Just then the two girls began discussing their cup sizes.

" Oh My Gosh Dawn your so healthy for your age," Said Cynthia.

" I'm still not as big as yours," said Dawn.

I got out of there before the blood rushed to my head.

We were in a hotel relaxing however I was a bit stressed out, why because we had been put in a special suite; The 'Honey moon' suite.

'gotta stay calm, it's just a room, we're not doing anything inappropriate,' I thought to myself.

Dawn came out dressed in an oversized night shirt with a pair of spats it was then that I noticed dawn was built very fit and had a nice curvy figure.

'no bad Leroy, she's a lady, respect her, don't oggle her,' I reprimanded myself internally.

" That outfit looks good on you miss Berlitz," i said to her.

Turns out Dawns full name is Dawn Shirogane Berlitz, she's the daughter of the Berlitz family one of the wealthiest families in the world and the richest family in Sinnoh.

She smiled as I quickly scurried into the bath and got a shower before changing into some more comfortable clothes specifically a White cotton T-shirt and some blue jeans,

Whenever we were about to settle in we heard a cry from downstairs.

I ran down to find five team galactic grunts holding the hotel hostage, Knowing the plot of the manga I knew this was an attempt to kidnap Dawn, I was positioned up stairs so I planned to jump them.

I called out Jet, etsuko, Kusunagi, and Riolu.

"okay guys you four handle the four on the left and right sides and I'll get the leader in the middle," I told them.

We jumped down and attacked I landed a flying axe kick to the leaders head dazing him.

Kusunagi performed a double circle kick before performing a axe kick that was on fire as it called out {style 101 Hazey wheel!}Shouted Kusunagi pulling of the Special kick of his namesake.

The spinning fire kick hit the man hard.

{ Feel this!} Shouted jet as he performed a Bike pedal kick to One grunts face before finishing with a somersault kick.

{ Reversed whirlwind!} Shouted Etsuko as she performed a check with his forearm blocking the grunts left hook before performing a spinning elbow spike to the sternum, and then a huge Rising Dragon Uppercut.

Riolu ducked under the lariat of Team Galactic grunt that he had jumped, and countered with a Somersault backflip kick before he punched the Man with a rush of blows and then stepped with a shuffle into a side kick.

{ Activate Battle mode?} Asked the system.

" I thought you would never ask," I said and my system displayed a bunch of TM moves I could use.

I ducked under the galactic grunts leaders hook punch and countered with a spinning back kick to his Groin in move called the Ball Buster before I hammered him with a shifting rush of punches to his sternum before I delivered a huge body hook punch to his solar plexus.

He got up groaning and called out his partner Pokemon a Hitmonchan.

I however had my own Pokemon assist me My Lycanrock.

{ Master let me handle this guy,} said Lycanrock and it kept up rushing the boxing Pokemon.

I dashed in my fist Radiating with a Electric surge as I delivered a Powerfel right hook to his jaw with the force of an electric current as I shouted " Raijin-ken!" Which was my name for thunder punch.

The blow hit the man in the Liver and caused him excruciating pain before he vomited and passed out.

The battle between Lycanrock and Hitmonchan Began to kick up.

Hitmonchan used a liver jab but Lycanrock blocked it and countered with an outside spinning hook kick.

Hitmonchan got hit but shrugged it off before he used a cross-counter to defend against the Iron claw that Lycanrock used before she smirked and grabbed him by the head and kneed him in the face before she used a low kick with two moves known as Kao-Loi and Teek-Lung.

" Hey lycan rock quit shiting around with that guy and finish him off," I said.

Lycanrock put the Hitmonchan down with a reversed elbow before performing a 540 degree spinning Heel kick.

The attack hit him with such force it created a small wave of air-pressure and Lycanrock won its fight.

I picked up the lieutenant button the collar of his shirt.

" Tell me what you're after now?!" I asked him.

" Why should I?!" He asked.

" Because if you don't I can have My Big Nidoking and his little sister give you a double helping of poison one with a Poison-Coated liver jab and one with a poison sting to the throat; that is unless you want to tell me?" I offered him the choice.

" Is that a threat," he bit back.

" It's not a threat, it's a promise," I Told him.

" You don't scare me!" He said.

I got him in a full nelson and ordered Austin and Asuka to fullfil the promise, the two grinned and both came at him with the said attacks.

" Okay, Okay, Just don't kill me, We're after the Berlitz daughter for funds for a secret project that's all I know I swear," he said.

" Good boy, Now then," I Said before Lifting him up " Hey Austin How about a little 3D in mount Coronet," Austin sprang up and delivered a Jumping Cutter,

After that we called officer Jenny and had them arrested.

" You got nice moves kid," said A voice I looked up to see Cynthia, " tell me where did you learn to fight like that?" She asked me.

" My grandfather, and my three elder brothers," I Replied seriously I don't like talking about my upbringing not because I was neglected or abused or anything it's just that I have bad memories of how my parents died and my grandfather strictly pushing me to become stronger so that I don't die, ' sorry Grandpa, I failed you, I hope your still happy and doing well,' I thought to myself.

" How did you generate that lightning?" She asked.

" Oh I can manipulate my life energy to create different elemental effects," I replied

" Interesting so your like a soul cultivator," she said, she then explained what a soul cultivator was basically it's like a cross between a ninja from Naruto and a toast from a xanxia Animation I believe it's called a Donghwa they're basically fighters who grow stronger by cultivating their life energy,

' That was a cover story, But I'll take it,' I thought I to myself.

Sometime later I woke up finding myself with dawn curled up against my chest.

' so cute,' I thought to myself as I admired her sleeping face her midnight blue hair comforting her face with her soft features and glossy lips made me want to protect her as much as possible, 'okay, that's it, Team Galactics going to get their ass-kicked, Oh I was a poet and didn't know it,' I thought to myself with a light chuckle at my silly Puns.

I got up and went outside and went to begin my training with my team.

After a long training consisting of doing pushups sit ups squats lunges shadow boxing, sparring, and Running laps, of course keeping up with my Pokemon would be a Herculean task, however one thing I haven't mentioned about my system is outside of breeding Pokémon and translating Pokémon speech it has a battle and status function.

As a result every day I train with these Pokemon I grow stronger.

I returned to find dawn Getting dressed and by that I mean I found her in a frilly peach pinkish-white bra and panties changing into a pink dress coat.

" Oh, uh, uh-oh," I said.

One big fat slap across the face later.

" I must apologize Leroy, Laying my hands on you was uncalled for," said Dawn.

" No you had all the reason to slap me, after all I forgot to knock and saw your valuables," I replied admitting that I was at fault.

" Yes, but...I hurt you," she said.

" It's okay your hands soft so it didn't sting as much, besides your wrist wasn't relaxed so it didn't sting as badly as it should've," said Leroy.

" I see, well I'm glad I didn't hurt you as badly as I thought I did," she said.

We left the onsen and headed towards the summit of Mount Coronet.

We hiked through the mountain's forest before we came upon a cave, I had decided to walk With jet and etsuko both had reached the 3rd Form of their respective scrolls the techniques of Dark force and Flowing stream, if I could explain it, It's like frog Kata from Naruto, an invisible repercussion of strikes after a single hit.

I began focusing on adding some skills to my abilities, I added Left overs to my body with that ability I can heal myself slowly but surely also I can fully restore my stamina and internal structure with this I plan on beginning the training from hell that I've seen a lot of martial healers use in anime, Characters like Ken Usato, and Sakura Haruno with this training I could help push my body to the absolute limit It'll hurt like hell but it will keep me alive.

We entered a cave that would lead to the path towards the peak of Mt. Coronet.

As we entered we traveled through the cave until we heard someone speaking.

" This place is brimming with life energy, It is the energy of creation, So whoever so dares to invade this stillness must be thoroughly punished," said a voice which turned out to belong to Cyrus.

" I've grown stronger since last time Leroy," said Cyrus as he sent out a monster I had yet to see here in sinnoh, it was a large red monster with long platinum blonde hair dressed it had a red triangle beak with a X shaped crest around it forming a sort of mask and it had two sets of scaley Bone like arms with Talon like claws, " no way! That's a Blaziken!" Dawn and I shouted in chorus.

Jet stepped up and assumed his fighting stance which resembled the trademark sun Goku stance.

' well that's interesting,' I thought.

" Well... that's interesting?" Said Cyrus, " Your little Partner seems eager to die," said Cyrus.

" You underestimate the power of Jet's ability," I retorted.

Blaziken assumed a fighting stance resemblance of a shoto fighter, '

" guess it's to expect from a Pokemon based on ken masters," I accidentally said out loud.

" What are you talking about?" Asked Cyrus.

" Doesn't matter so how do we do this let our Pokemon battle alone or will I get a chance to kick your ass?" I said.

" Hey you can try," Said Cyrus as he and Blaziken moved fast I noticed this and so did jet Blaziken appeared from above and performed a flying swan dive at my direction, but jet countered it with a renkaitan, which is basically a flying bike pedal kick, the Body walk into the bike pedal kick ended with a somersault kick.

Meanwhile Cyrus came at me with what appeared to be a black flaming hook punch, however I evaded and countered with a switch up side kick.

The kick hit him hard and launched him back.

" He your good for a teenager," he said.

I smirked, " you haven't seen anything yet," I said and I rushed him with a combination of punches which he parried and he did the same to me which I returned with my own defense as we scrapped, Jet and Blaziken attacked one another Blaziken used a inazuna kick which Jet blocked with an overhead gaurd before countering with a Rinmon Chouchuu, Blaziken made a cocky screach (no pun intended) and performed Spinning Double Fire kick with a Union of yhe moves Double kick+Fire wheel.

Jet was knocked into a wall he had bruises and scraps on his body, Blaziken drew his hands in a circle and powered up a fire Blast before shooting it at Blaziken, However At the last moment Jet's eyes glowed red and his fist became invaded in a Glowing white sphere as he let out a Ki powered Mega Punch.

The punch somehow reversed the trajectory of the fire blast and sent it back at the the street fighter rip off and blew him backwards.

Jet walked up to the Blaziken slowly as a black aura radiated from his body Blaziken began shaking and decided to attack this creature, Blaziken threw an attempt at a combination of hooks but jet caught the punch and popped the Monsters arm out of joint and then slammed the monster to the ground before he began to perform an unnecessary comedic Human body bagging of the Pokemon even though it was bigger than him, Before Jet performed a hydro punch with one hand and a dynamic punch with the other before ending with a Shadow boost dash powered thunder kick,

The monster was slammed into a wall before the monster grabbed the cock by the throat and he began to repeatedly rammed him into the wall before using a punch to the monsters gut, and then a blow to the chin, them he finished him off with a dragon uppercut.


" TAKE THIS!" I shouted

" Die Brat!" Cyrus roared and we both landed a lightning powered punch and a Black flaming hook to the jaw,

We were both knocked backwards.

" It seems we're evenly matched," said Cyrus.

I just chuckled.

" What's so funny," he asked before he noticed my wounds slowly healing.

" Ugh," he grunted as he saw I had been regenerating all the time we battled.

" You little shit, you've learned how to heal yourself using your Life energy?" He remarked.

" Yeah you could say that," I replied, " and before you get to confident, you should recall your Pokemon before mine kills him," I said Cyrus looked towards the nearly broken Blaziken being body bagged by Jet and he Panicked he knew the reason why the dark aura radiating from the little Kubfu's body as it beat the ever loving shit out of him.

" Blaziken return," He held up his poké ball and the laser called him back,

He then retreated before saying, " is watch your girlfriend if I were you," he said with a smirk before pulling out a Gravel rock and slamming it into the cave floor causing a cave in.

'OH, FUCK!' I screamed internally.

Instinctively I dove on top of Dawn and kubfu came and covered her and I as well, and we tumbled down into the depths of the cave.

To be continued.

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