Chapter 8: Super Soldier
However, a strangely clear silhouette of Death appeared in his mind at that moment and suddenly, Damien Bloodbane lost control of his body!
An incredible surge of power filled his legs and propelled him forward towards the giant wolf and falcon which were charging towards him.
Slash! Slash!
Damien Bloodbane felt his arms swing sharply twice as he literally flew by with great agility in between the two beasts.
Both beasts hit the ground.
[Extremely unrefined fighting skills detected]
[Extremely dangerous situation detected]
[Commencing defensive takeover]
[You will lose control of your body for a moment]
"... …. ….." Damien Bloodbane did not know what to say. He had run out of vulgarities to throw at the damned laggy system.
Why bother announcing anything about what you would be doing if you do it after the fact?
Damned laggy system!
At that moment, his hand raised to point at the two beasts.
"Arise." A raspy voice sounded from his mouth.
Despite having absolutely no mana left, Damien Bloodbane could feel a surge of power leave his body towards the beasts.
Black energy swirled around the dead wolf and falcon for a brief moment before they stood up once more with blood dripping out of every pore in their bodies.
The dead had no need for blood.
The first pair of the twelve soldiers appeared.
"Hey! Boss is down! His two beasts are injured! GET THAT FUCKER!!" The first soldier managed to roar out in anger while pointing at Damien Bloodbane before he and his buddy were jumped by the wolf and the falcon!
Upon being reborn into undeath, summoned by the strange being which had taken over Damien Bloodbane's body, the wolf and the falcon had grown very significantly in strength.
Their bursts of explosive speed were out of this world and the two soldiers did not even have time to cry out before their throats were ripped out of their bodies.
They died where they stood and their corpses crumpled to the ground.
But they did not stay there for long.
"Arise." Came the raspy voice once more.
Crack. Crack.
The two dead men stood up slowly, with fresh blood streaming out of every inch of skin.
"OH MY GOD!" A cry of shock and absolute horror came from a different direction.
Like a trigger to a bloodbath, The two dead beasts and the two dead soldiers exploded into action and tore into the remaining ten soldiers coming in from five different directions.
Came the roars of anger and shock for a very brief moment before deathly silence reigned in the area.
"Strong." Damien Bloodbane's mind shook slightly as he beheld the fearsome power and efficiency of the undead raised by the strange being that had taken over his body.
At that moment, however…
[Threats eliminated]
[Proceed to enhance fighting capabilities]
[Initiating Super Soldier Basic Training Program]
[Stand by]
"What the hell? Stop doing whatever you want without my permission!" Damien Bloodbane frowned mentally.
But that was as far as he got before a powerful sensation of heat appeared from within his head!
"AHHH!!!!" Damien Bloodbane shouted in pain.
[Brace for pain]
His mind felt like it was being shredded and rebuilt in rapid succession, each cycle worse than the last.
Time lost meaning in the midst of the torment.
Seconds stretched into eternities, and eternity compressed into a single, screaming moment.
And as quickly as it appeared, the pain vanished.
"FREAKING BLOODY HELL!" Damien Bloodbane shouted in extreme anger.
He was pissed like he had never been before.
[Welcome to the Super Soldier Basic Training Program]
[This is a physical training program]
[You access to mana will be locked]
[Difficulty setting has been set to Easy]
[Easy Objective: Kill 1 million Zerglings]
[Training will begin in…]
"Freaking bloody hell!" Damien Bloodbane shouted again in extreme anger. "You forced me to be a Necromancer, why are you now forcing me to learn how to kill Zerglings manually?!"
But that was all he managed to blurt out before the ground trembled mightily, accompanied by a thunderous roar that could only be the sound of a million Zerglings rushing to his position.
A goddamn million.
Damien Bloodbane took a deep breath to clear his head and calm his nerves.
There was no point in being angry.
The moment that strange voice sounded in his head informing him that he had activated some sort of Necromancy Inheritance, Damien Bloodbane knew he was in for a wild ride.
Even though fighting against a million Zerglings was rather out there, it was nothing he couldn't deal with, given enough time.
Within seconds, his anger disappeared without a trace and a deep calm settled in his soul.
"I need weapons." Damien Bloodbane spoke out loud calmly.
[Request granted]
[What is your weapon of choice?]
"Spear." Damien Bloodbane replied without hesitation.
As they say…
Against a single enemy, use the sword.
Against a whole army, use the spear.
Or a nuclear bomb.
But that would be defeating the whole purpose of the training, so Damien Bloodbane chose spear.
[Iron Spear granted]
Damien Bloodbane quietly picked up the generic iron spear which had suddenly appeared on the ground in front of him.
He gave it several swings to get used to its weight before turning to face the incoming Zerg horde that had finally appeared.
Sqweeek sqweeek sqweeekkk!
The Zerglings screamed their strange bloodthirsty screams as they crested a nearby hill and thundered down towards Damien Bloodbane.
Damien Bloodbane pierced the Iron Spear forward and caused the first Zergling to explode into a puff of blood and gore.
One down.
Nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine to go.
As much as Damien Bloodbane would like to finish the objective in one fell swoop, there was simply no way.
Even if he was able to avoid making any mistakes, his body would tire and there would come a point where even a tiny baby Zergling would be able to finish his completely spent body with a single bite to his neck.
But it didn't get to that point for his first death.
Fifteen minutes in, Damien Bloodbane slipped on some Zergling muscle fragment and fell down.
He hit the ground hard but there was no time to recover.
Shadows swarmed.
The Zerglings pounced.
Blades of chitin tore through his light armor and pierced his flesh with brutal power.
Hot pain lanced through Damien's chest, then his side, then everywhere.
He gasped, blood bubbling at his lips, the copper taste thick and suffocating.
Then, nothing.
[You have died]
[Cause of death: Tragic low grade movement technique]
[Imparting high grade movement technique]
[Reviving in…]