Netori SSS-Emperor: All Queens Shall Be Mine!

Chapter 13: A Faunan’s True Face

Warning: Torture, the extreme kind. Please keep the warning in mind before reading forward!

The tongue–said to be the strongest muscles in the human body. A common myth, of course, but it does lay claim to being the most fatal if an injury claims it. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt as much as a broken femur, maybe not even as bad as stubbing your toe against furniture, but when it comes to bleeding, nothing else compares, for a cut tongue is surrounded by moisture and for that reason, the wound does not close naturally.

"I'm done dealing with you idiots," staring at the furnace with a pair of snipped tongues dancing in its flames, Renee clipped her nails, indifferent to the agony of the lovers tied behind her. "The girls didn't remember what happened and neither were they traumatized by the incident, I would've parted with your little group by tonight, but you had to try and pull that crap with me and Wolf, didn't you?"

Throwing the clipped nails into a crucible boiling lead, Renee continued to stare at its golden glow; all the while ignoring the agonizing groans of the duo tied behind her and sitting on the floor. She did not care for their suffering and the only reason she'd stuffed their mouth with a cloth was to muffle their voices, but unfortunately, it also helped stop the bleeding, somewhat.

'WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT THE FUCK!? SHE'S CRAZY!' Gasping for breath while staring at the faunan's back, the lovers were left panting, crying, and even soiling themselves from the sheer severity of their circumstance. The pain was horrendous, but it didn't compare to the horror they felt at what she would do next. 

Eyes quivering, they kept staring at her back. Watching her melting lead in a pot, they hissed with anxiety taking hold of their body, mind and heart. Screaming as loud as possible with the cloth stuffed down their throats, they cried and sniffled all in an attempt to appeal to her human side, but their fate was sealed already and nothing would convince Renee otherwise.

"You tried to pin us," hearing her talk again, her head still turned to the flame, both Kein and Terra's bodies quivered with a chill. Yet indifferent to their suffering, Renee stirred the molten metal with a stiff root of poison ivy. "You tried to kill him…You tried to kill, my Wolf. You tried to kill us both."

Opening their mouths the two tried to cry in apology, but the cloth down their throat made them choke on their words. Bursting into a fit of bloody coughs, they fell to their side with their lungs bleeding out as if they'd inhaled toxic smoke. 

The thud of their body hitting the ground sprang Renee out of her seat. Grabbing the molten metal container with a clamp, she slowly turned to the duo with her face burning a bright orange under the light from the crucible. Wide-eyed, she stared at the two. There was no mercy to be seen in the hollow gaze that she gave them.

"They say cats are cruel and humans crueler," taking a step closer to them with an eerie smile, she stretched her hand forward and held the burning crucible right above their bodies. "But since I'm both, does that mean I'm worse, hmm?"

Squatting right by their faces, she grabbed Terra's face first. Pulling the cloth out of her mouth, she held her by the throat and squeezed it tight. Watching her eyes slowly pushing out of their sockets and the blood pooling within her mouth, the faunan bobcat smiled and began tilting the crucible right above her mouth.

"Say Aaa~ AHAHAHA!" Laughing hysterically, she poured in the lead and it burned Terra's mouth in an instant. Mixing with her blood, it made the liquid boil and the moment Renee let go of her throat, the scorching liquid was sent down to her stomach before it could melt directly through her body. 

In agony, Tera kicked about randomly. Like a headless chicken, her body struggled, its power slowly veining before eventually coming to a halt. Having melted her stomach, the lead alongside her bile poured out of her back. It burned Renee's fingers for a moment, but with half of the metal still left, she turned to Kein.

Panting heavily with his eyes wide open as he stared at Renee, Kein couldn't handle what he'd just seen and his body shut down the very next moment. Although a bit disappointed at first, upon checking his nerves and finding out that he was still alive, Renee's sadistic smile returned to her.

Placing the metal back on the furnace, she grabbed Kein off the ground and strapped him to a chair. Undressing him completely, she shoved a stretched clamp down his manly parts. Keeping the hole wide open, gave her just the perfect stretch to pour in the burning lead. 

"So many girls abused by this puny dick, finally no longer…" Grabbing the crucible, she woke up Kein in a world full of agony. A bladder full of burning metal, that too poured in through his most private entrance, needless to say, his screams didn't last long and the last moment that he had vision was spent staring at the sadistic smile flashing on Renee's face.

Her green cat-like eyes glowing in the dark, would haunt him forever even in hell–at least that's what Renee prayed for and perhaps the goddess agreed, for once she was done, the corpses were gone and so were the bloodstains. But was it truly the goddess' blessing or something else entirely? Not remembering how much time had passed, Renee walked over to the windows and to her surprise a day had passed already and it was another evening.

"Four days to the competition, I should get him his gift before then," closing the windows, Renee turned to the smithy. A room filled with ash, numerous poison gases released from the metals, along with many weapons and equipment hanging on the walls.

It was a shop run by her friend, one close enough to help her get rid of a corpse in the middle of the night. But with the bodies already gone somehow, Renee instead decided to pester her about the weapon that she'd commissioned for Wolf.

'I'm sure he'll make good use of it in the fight!' She thought and rushed over to her friend's room, completely oblivious to what she'd just done...

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