HP: Shattered glass

Chapter 5: -【 Black by name, black by nature 】

My wish was granted.

A beam of blackened, eldritch light punctured the living room window and coiled toward Bellatrix's wand arm at a wicked speed.

Rabastan noticed the attack and quickly summoned a glowing red shield in an attempt to block whatever spell was coming their way. But it did absolutely nothing to halt the ebony-coloured spell, other than causing it to twist midair and fly in his direction instead.

As if it were locking onto his magic.

The wiry man let out a yell of distress as the homing spell severed his left arm at the socket. The severed limb disintegrated into ash within seconds, the blackened pile falling to the floor in a messy heap.

The other three whipped around, wands outstretched and pointed at the ajar front door.

Even amongst all the chaos going on around us, Lily kept crying those awful bloody tears; repeating the same phrase over and over again akin to a broken record.

"Please torture me."

I had to accept it now. The kind, proud woman that had been our mother was gone. She was broken beyond repair.

"Kill the boy!" Shouted Bellatrix over her shoulder, sending a dark red curse out in blind retaliation. It sliced through the front wall with ease. "We cannot fail our mission!"

"Avada-" Barty's voice was cut off as the wall next to him blasted inwards, ragdolling the man into the opposite wall where James' transfigured spikes still stood. He dropped his wand, punctured many times over by my dead father's magic.

The still-crying Harry was suddenly yanked out of his blankets, and the pair of us were sent zooming through the living room door and into the kitchen; only to be caught by a very familiar pair of arms.

『 Sirius. 』

The young man was shaking with rage, barely able to hold his wand straight so angry was he. I had no sense of touch, but I could feel the magic radiating off of him. It's purely entropic nature.

Harry could feel it too, I could tell. And it comforted him. I couldn't understand why.

It felt like a rebellion against all creation, so destructive was it.

It felt… Black.

Two yells from the living room, noticing our sudden absence.

Sirius gritted his teeth, staring down at his godson's bleeding cheek. At the blackened blood running down his chin.

"That fucking rat." He said, his voice trembling with anger. "That fucking bitch cousin of mine. Using a family spell on a child? I'll kill her."

He raised his wand, pointing it at Harry's face. Another complex wand movement later and the child's cheek sewed itself shut, the blood vanishing from his face.

"I'll kill her." He repeated, and I could sense the vow in those words. "I'll fucking kill her."

I agreed with him.

The man ran back out of the kitchen and through the garage; sprinting away from the house, clutching Harry to his chest; fresh tears dripping down onto us from his high cheekbones.

"James, Lily. I'm sorry." He choked out. "Forgive me."

Sirius skidded onto the road, ignoring the screams of anger coming from inside the house.

"Hagrid!" He shouted, waving his wand arm around wildly. "Over here!"

"Sirius?" A deep, worried voice carried across the road.

The new man was massive, easily over three and a half metres tall. One would think that with a stature like his, he might be lacking in some other area. But not with this man; he wasn't lacking at all. He was built like a tank, and Harry's infant form paled in comparison.

"Listen, take Harry and my bike and run! They're still in the house!" Shouted Sirius, holding the child out for the giant to take him.

"Still in the- Ruddy hell Sirius, wha' about James an' Lily?" Hagrid asked, quickly taking Harry from our godfather and carrying us in one massive hand.

"Dead. Now go!" The man replied, whipping around to block the barrage of multicoloured spells the two uninjured death eaters were sending his way. "Go!"

Hagrid's eyes widened in shocked sadness but didn't ask for permission twice, rounding on the enchanted motorcycle and clambering onto it.

How he fit onto the Sirius-sized seat I had no idea.

The engine started, and I could hear Bellatrix's screams of anger as she was forced to watch Hagrid zoom down the empty road with us in tow.

A coil of green lightning streamed past where we would have ended up not even a second later, had Hagrid not taken a sharp left at the last second.

I hoped that Sirius succeeded in his vow.

Bellatrix Lestrange deserved to die.

Harry's eyes began to flicker shut, so exhausted was he.

The infant let out some nonsensical baby-speak that sounded upset.

"There now Harry. It's gonna be alright. Dumbledore'll take care of yer', I promise."

『 He had better. 』I thought stonily. Hopefully the man would have a solution that didn't include the word 'Dursley'.

But I doubted it.

Harry's eyes closed for a final time, and everything went black.

✽ ✽ ✽

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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