CW Flash: I Copy Attributes

Chapter 30: I Am Better!

Derek groaned, the damage around his body finally withering away as his Eclipse fixed itself around him, once again dawning on him in his vigilante attire.

Rising to his feet, he turned, moving away from the excavator to see Reverse Flash staring straight at him.

Though one may ask why Derek wasn't being attacked at that moment, Derek could already see.

He could see Thawne failing to control his heavy breaths, his chest moving up and down rapidly as a result.

Not to mention the light burn marks around his body could indicate injury. But Derek doubted it was the reason for him taking a break.

"Tired?" Derek asked.

However, Thawne said nothing.

Not because he was tired, despite being exhausted, but because he couldn't stop staring at his opponent, completely healed and energetic as if he'd just gotten out of bed.

'How? I was sure he was bleeding. Is he hiding it under his clothes? No, he looks far too composed and lively. Not to mention the injuries from the explosion should have put him at death's door.'

Thawne's mind raced with questions that had little answers. 

'I need to kill him at once before he can have a chance to pull any more of his tricks.'

With this, Thawne took a deep breath, finalizing his thoughts.

And so did Derek.

'I can't beat him. That phasing of his is too troublesome. I'll make him drain his speed, drawing this battle out.'

With this…



Reverse Flash darted toward Derek. But the youth could tell. 

'He's slower…'

His speed was running out.

And so, Derek let out a command with his mind.


Thawne could instantly feel the heaviness in his body, milliseconds away from making him repeat the scene from the start of the battle.

This almost dust-like debris of Eclipse was still scattered around the battlefield, giving Thawne a hard time.

'The good news is, if it tries to gather on my body, I'll notice. It doesn't seem they can take any significant form in such small states.'

Even with his super speed perception, it was a split-second decision.

In the end, Thawne phased, making it so he couldn't attack Derek, passing right through the youth.

But as Thawne turned back, he paused, standing still with his guard up.

'Where did he go…'

Just as he asked this, a shiver ran down his spine, prompting him to shoot his eyes up, only to see black discs shooting toward him, this time with needles sticking out of the edge.

Dashing off his feet, he was easily able to avoid these, running as the discs did a poor job of following behind him.

'He's flying?'

Thawne thought, seeing Derek looming high in the air where he was safe.


Though he was vexed, Thawne didn't stop.

He continued to run, dodging whatever Derek threw at him, keeping his eyes glued on the boy like a hawk stalking its prey.

He waited for the perfect moment. Sure, he couldn't quite reach up there, but that didn't mean he was completely helpless.

And so, just as Thawne dodged the last group of discs, he came to an abrupt stop, his feet skidding on the hard concrete.

He swung his arm, the crackle of his red lightning running down to his fingertips until…


Red lightning shot toward Derek, clearing the distance between them in mere seconds and seemingly catching the boy by surprise.

Because in the next second, Derek helplessly put his arms up in an x shape in an attempt to block but to no avail until…



The lightning electrocuted Derek midair, causing him to seize uncontrollably, the scene lighting up the fairly dim clearing.

Thawne watched with a pleased grin as he waited, kicking off the ground in the next second as he witnessed Derek's eyes close and his body lose control, falling to the ground quickly.

Running for a few seconds, Thawne leapt into the air to get to Derek before he could even reach the ground, then…



Thawne loomed in the air for a second, the smirk on his face disappearing, with it the blurry face and red glowing eyes he fashioned.

Instead, he looked down, only to see an obsidian spear through his gut.

Perhaps it was by instinct that his eyes looked back up in the next second, only to see Derek's eyes wide open, the green in them seemingly oozing out an icy chill.

It wasn't long until he hit the ground with a THUD while Derek leisurely flipped right side up, landing softly on his feet.

"B-Bastard…" Thawne tried to yell but couldn't.

"What? Enjoying the view before you kill me?" 

"No no, I never wanted to kill you, Thawne. You're not mine to defeat. Trust me, If I wanted to kill you I know of much easier ways that wouldn't have taken so long."

Finally, Thawne raised his head, seething as a single word escaped his lips.


Thawne mumbled, seeing Derek completely fine much to his dismay.

'Simple. I made my Eclipse reject all properties of light, refracting it and practically making it invisible.'

All he had to do from there was wait for the perfect time to launch his attack.

A time when Thawne's guard wasn't so high.

Otherwise, with his perception, he'd instantly be able to dodge once he felt the prick on his skin.

'Of course, for this plan to work, I had to get electrocuted. Which was less than fun.'

Despite bathing in the Lazarus Pit, he still felt pain.

Though he could handle it better now, it didn't matter much when he was dealing with injuries that would mean death for others who didn't have regeneration.

'I'd love to have a skill that could give me Pain Tolerance. I could be like a walking zombie with it.'

Nevertheless, despite Derek's whole plan running through his mind briefly, he had yet to say anything out loud to the downed Thawne.

"How, you ask? Simple…"

Derek could feel the Speedforce in Thawne's body dimming like a weak fire.

Whatever he was doing was eating whatever speedforce he had left in him like fuel.

Therefore, it was because of this that Derek walked so close, kneeling before him as he looked him in the eye.

"I am smarter than you. I am stronger than you. I am better than you. You hear me?"

Derek leaned in closer, his emerald eyes cold as ice.


His ghost-like hush made Thawne's face pale, his eyes remaining wide while his heavy breaths came to a stop as if his heart had stopped beating.

Thawne felt complicated emotions bubble from within him while staring into Derek's eyes.

But most prominently, one stood out.


Not so much toward what he'd just heard, but more due to what he was about to do next.


Derek's obsidian needle was left to drop to the ground as Thawne phased, running in the opposite direction to where Derek was.

He most likely knew his Speed wouldn't last as well, making him reject fighting any longer, continuing to phase as he ran.

'He shouldn't be able to get to me or hit me now, right?'

It was true.

Derek had no counter to phasing and though he could see it, he couldn't react to super speed.

Despite this, Derek remained in his crouched position, a solemn smile on his face.

He was happy.

It was like he had this excitement building up inside of him for something and it turned out to be better than it could've imagined.

This was the day that Eobard Thawne ran away from Derek Bond.

To this, Derek was happy.

Derek rose to his feet, looking into the distance.


He couldn't do anything to stop Thawne now, but he wasn't alone. And he could hear the Sonic Boom to prove it.



Derek watched the Flash suddenly appear before Thawne, running far faster than the latter was, accompanied by dangerous built-up momentum, as evidenced by the condensed air around him.

And not only was the air focused around his body, but more so his fist.

His fist that shot straight into Thawne's chest.


Thawne was sent shooting through the air, returning to Derek's feet as he failed to retrieve the air knocked out from his lungs.

He writhed on the ground as Derek's lips instantly curled up upon seeing the scene.

"Super Sonic Punch, baby!" 


Derek's Eclipse crawled onto Thawne's body as the latter felt his body weight increase. So much so that it got to a certain point where he had no choice but to ignore his pain, shooting to his feet and speeding off, far slower than ever before.



Once again, the Flash would appear, cracking his fist across Thawne's face before he could get far, returning him to Derek.

This would continue a few times, Derek's Eclipse making its way to encompass Thawne while the speedster tried his best to escape, only to be sent back by the Flash.

Though, truthfully, Derek may have been taking extra long with the process to watch Thawne get sent back on his ass a few more times with an extra set of broken bones.

But eventually, it had gotten to the point where Thawne could no longer walk, let alone run.

Not because of his depleted speed, despite it being almost gone, but because of the Eclipse practically covering him head to toe.

Thawne's form-fitting yellow suit could no longer be seen, the obsidian of the Eclipse covering him completely as he started to resemble Derek's clones.

It seemed as though it weighed a ton too since Thawne trodden like he was pushing a boulder up a mountain.

Until finally, any visible sign that this was once Reverse Flash was gone, only leaving an obsidian statute, frozen in a running position.



Derek turned to see Flash, or rather Barry, appear beside him, out of breath.

"I couldn't find you. I thought you got buried under the prison." Barry started grabbing Derek's shoulder, to which the youth shook his head.

"I sent out pieces of my Eclipse to look for Reverse Flash when I entered the prison. When they did, I couldn't find you due to all the chaos so I went out by myself."

There was no reason to not believe Derek. It sounded plausible and in the end, he did find Reverse Flash, prompting Barry to smile.

"What about your dad? Have you…"

Derek didn't even need to finish the sentence before seeing Barry's smile quickly fade as the air became tense.

"No. Because of him."

At that moment, Derek witnessed a look in Barry's eyes that seemed almost dangerous as the latter stared at Thawne.

It was a look of contempt and bloodlust.

So much so that it made one thing clear to Derek.

'From once in this story, I'm not completely sure as to what will happen next.'

[Quest Complete!]


I'm curious, which fight was better, this or Derek's fight with Malcolm?

Either way, hand over the Powerstones...I'm itching for them.

If you don't wanna wait, there always the Patreon!

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