Crimson Code: Last Descent

Chapter 5: Blood’s Path

Main Headquarters, Location Unknown

Koni Dio leaned back in his chair. "So that's that. He's the real deal."

The Headmaster's voice was measured. "Shizen Kenmochi—blood rank lowest of the low. Do we know for sure he can produce new crimson blood?"

Koni Dio stood, gazing out the window. "We don't know for sure. But there's no doubt he's the one and only pure blood."

"Fine," the Headmaster said. "Keep an eye on him. I leave him to you."

The door creaked open. A man stepped in, bowed low, and spoke. "They're waiting for you, Headmaster. We better keep going."

"Who's this?" Koni Dio asked, glancing over.

"This is Leo Brando," the Headmaster replied. "My new right hand."

Koni Dio stepped close, inches from Leo's face. Leo didn't flinch. Koni smirked, then strode out. "Whatever. See you, Gramps."

As the door shut, Leo swallowed hard. "So that's him."

"Koni Dio," the Headmaster said. "Said to be the strongest Veymar of this generation."

Leo nodded. "Defeated two 4th rankers and a 5th ranker Oni—all by himself, no one knows his true rank, we only know that he can use multiple crimson art's"

"He's a spoiled brat, but there's not doubt that he's strong" the Headmaster murmured.

"all right Brando let's get going" the headmaster said.

Headquarters Blood Training Grounds

"So where are we now, Tatsumi?" Kenmochi asked, his voice tentative.

Tatsumi guided him by the hand. "This is the place we learn how to control our blood."

"what exactly can I do, I can't even see. " Kenmochi said.

"Just sit down." Tatsumi replied. 

She sighed. "I don't know how to explain this when you can't see. This is such a drag. Why did I have to teach you?"

"I'm sorry," Kenmochi said. "I'll try to keep up with your teachings."

Tatsumi took a deep breath. "Close your eye—well, you don't need to do that." Another breath. "Focus on your body. Feel within. Feel the blood running through your veins. Try to imagine wielding it. Take your hand out."

Kenmochi slowly extended his hand.

"Okay," Tatsumi said. "Imagine blood taking shape. Concentrate on a specific shape."

A blood ball shimmered into existence above Kenmochi's palm.

"Good, good," Tatsumi said. "Now make the current shape change."

The ball morphed into a cube.

"Good," Tatsumi continued. "Now harden it."

The blood cube sharpened, solidifying.

"Now imagine deeper," she said. "Imagine a blade."

The cube stretched and twisted, becoming a floating blade over Kenmochi's hand.

"Now grab it," Tatsumi instructed.

Kenmochi's fingers closed around something solid. "What is this?"

"That's the blade you imagined," Tatsumi said. "It's in your hand. That's called blood creation—you manifest blood weapons without using your own blood."

Kenmochi gripped it tighter. "This is so cool."

"Now make it disappear," Tatsumi said.

The blade vanished from his grasp.

"Good," she said. "You're gonna practice that later."

"Can I ask something?" Kenmochi said.

"Make it quick," Tatsumi replied.

"The thing Dio said about my vision—can we do that?"

"We're getting there," Tatsumi said. "Now you're gonna control how to use your own blood. This is crucial."

She began explaining. "Using our blood, we heal ourselves by focusing the blood flow into that spot. For you to do that, you have to manipulate the blood within your system. Got it?"

"I think I understand," Kenmochi said.

"Good," Tatsumi replied. "Now do it again. Feel the blood moving inside you. Imagine you're moving it."

Suddenly, Kenmochi yelped. "Ow! What happened? My hand—it stings!"

Tatsumi had sliced his hand with a Deep cut. "Calm down. I just cut you a little bit."

"Why would you do that?!" Kenmochi snapped. "Shit, this is not a small cut!"

"Stop crying," Tatsumi said. "Keep focus on your blood and direct it. Try to manipulate it onto the cut."

Sweat beaded on Kenmochi's forehead as he concentrated. Slowly, the wound began to heal—no scar, no trace.

"Did I do it?" he gasped. "It doesn't hurt anymore. How does it look?"

Tatsumi stared, shocked. He's a 1st rank, and it healed that fast? she thought.

Out loud, she said, "Okay, good job. Now focus your blood flow into your eyes—where you took the damage—and keep it there."

Kenmochi's breath hitched. Suddenly, he could see—not fully, but he saw Tatsumi's blood flowing through her body, a glowing outline against the dark.

"I can see you!" he exclaimed. "Not exactly see, but I can see your movements, your blood!" He glanced at his hand. "So this is my blood."

"Okay, it's over finally," Tatsumi said. "Stand up."

They both rose. Tatsumi started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Kenmochi called.

"Oh, right," she said. "You can see me."

"My work here is done," Tatsumi added.

"Wait, wait for me!" Kenmochi said. "I still can't see the environment!" He stepped forward—and tripped, crashing to the ground.

Unknown Dark Environment

In a shadowed room, a figure sat cross-legged, meditating on the floor.

A cloaked man entered, dropping to his knees before the seated figure.

The meditating man rose, touching the newcomer's hand. "What is it, ?"

The unknown man spoke, voice trembling. "A 3rd ranker was defeated, Your Highness."

"Hmm," the Leader hummed. "By whom?"

The man stammered nervously. "It was… the name was… he was called—"

The Leader seized his head, grip tightening. "Answer my question, dog."

"It was K-Koni Dio, sire!" the man blurted.

The Leader released him. "Tell those two to find my prize and bring it to me—alive and unharmed."

"What about Koni Dio, sire?" the man asked.

"DON'T ASK ME QUESTIONS, YOU DOG!" the Leader bellowed.

The man cowered. "Yes, Your Highness, I'm sorry!"

The Leader's voice dropped to a menacing growl. "I'll deal with him myself."

To Be Continued…

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