Arcane: Bond Beyond Death (R18)

Chapter 13: Episode 13: Company

As the dust from the explosion began to settle, a group of Silco's men emerged from the shadows, their footsteps crunching on the debris. The leader of the group, a hulking figure with a buff physique and an intimidating look, limbs covered in tattoos and piercing that made him look scary, it was none other than Urgot– one of Silco's most trusted men.

Jinx narrowed her eyes, her expression twisting into something wicked. The sight of Bael injured, no matter how briefly, ignited a violent spark in her. "You bastards made a BIG mistake hurting my Bael!" she snarled, her voice dripping with venom.

Without hesitation, she grabbed Pow-Pow, from her side and spun it up. The weapon roared to life as bullets rained down on the group. The men scrambled for cover, diving behind rocks and debris to avoid the storm of gunfire.

"COME ON, YOU COWARDS!" Jinx screamed, her voice rising above the deafening sound of bullets. "DON'T HIDE NOW! YOU WANTED TO PLAY, DIDN'T YOU?" Her laugh was unhinged, echoing through the cavern as she strafed her weapon across their hiding spots.

Urgot barked orders from behind a boulder, his metal arm glowing ominously. "Flank her!"

Bael, still regaining his footing, leaned against the wall and pulled out his steam gun, its barrel glowing faintly. He aimed carefully, ready to assist Jinx.

Jinx glanced back at him, her grin returning, this time more feral. "You bet your ass, partner! Let's fuck these bastards up!" She shouts.

One of the men tried to rush her from the side, but before he could get close, Jinx hurled a small gadget from her belt—a grenade-like device that exploded into a shower of shrapnel and flames. The man was thrown back, his screams lost in the chaos.

Another attempted to flank her, firing desperately from behind a boulder, but Jinx quickly noticed. With a playful spin, she hefted Piw-Piw at him, the barrels spinning inches away from his face, then—POW!

"Ha! Pathetic! You boys are making this too easy!" she taunted, tossing another gadget into the group hiding behind cover. The resulting explosion sent them sprawling, their bodies hitting the ground with sickening thuds.

As the smoke cleared, Jinx stood amidst the carnage, her minigun resting on her shoulder. "You see that, Bael?" she called over her shoulder, her voice dripping with manic excitement. "No one messes with us and lives to tell the tale!"

Her laugh echoed through the cave, wild and unhinged, as she kicked a smoldering piece of rubble aside.

But as she was handling the subordinates, Bael was out there fighting Urgot on his own.

Urgot punched Bael with force which made him fly away, this angered Jinx but just as she was about to turn him to mince meat with her minigun, Bael shouts that they needed him alive and not dead.

Urgot, confident, suddenly looks at his hand, which he used to punch Bael with, some sort of mark was on it, a tattoo exactly where he punched Bael.

Bael looked at him grinning, and in the next instant, the explosion erupts which completely obliterates his arm and creates smoke everywhere. When it faded, Urgot had fainted and lost an arm.

Jinx crouched down beside Urgot's unconscious body, poking at the charred stump where his arm used to be with the barrel of her minigun. Her manic grin shifted into a curious smirk as she glanced at Bael. "Alright, genius. Spill it. How'd you pull that off? When did you even have the time to plant a bomb directly on his arm? Even I can't do that without some kind of fabric or gear to stick it to."

Bael leaned against a jagged rock, catching his breath. He flexed his mechanical hand, the faint glow of its inner mechanisms fading now that the job was done. "Simple," he said, his voice calm but laced with pride. "Urgot made the mistake of charging up that punch. Gave me just enough time to prepare."

Jinx tilted her head, intrigued. "Prepare what? You didn't even move, Bael."

He smirked and tapped his mechanical hand. "When he threw that punch, I didn't just block it. His fist made direct contact with my arm. This baby's got a built-in system—a marking mechanism that attaches a volatile charge when it senses impact. All I had to do was let him hit me, and the rest took care of itself."

Jinx's eyes widened, her grin stretching ear to ear. "Wait, wait, wait! Are you telling me your arm plants bombs just by getting punched? That's insane!" She burst into laughter, clapping her hands like an excited child. "Oh, Bael, you're full of surprises!"

Bael shrugged, the corner of his mouth curling into a smirk. "Like I said, always be prepared. You never know when some oversized brute might decide to throw a haymaker."

Jinx cackled again, kicking Urgot's body lightly. "Well, guess he won't be throwing anything for a while!" She twirled her minigun around before slinging it over her shoulder. "Come on, partner. Let's get outta here before more of these losers show up. We've got some celebrating to do!"

Bael nodded, glancing once more at his unconscious foe. "Let's go. I've got a few more upgrades in mind.... But first let's interrogate this man."

Jinx groaned dramatically, kicking a nearby rock. "Ugh, interrogation? Really? Can't we just blow him up and call it a day?"

Bael smirked, rubbing his mechanical hand as he walked over to Urgot's unconscious form. "Not this time. He's one of Silco's top men. If anyone knows what's going on with his operations, it's him. We can't waste that opportunity."

Jinx rolled her eyes, but a mischievous grin crept onto her face. "Fine, fine. But I call dibs on making him talk. Bet I can get all the answers we need in under five minutes."

Bael shot her a knowing glance as he began fashioning some makeshift restraints with the scraps of cable scattered around the cave. "You mean five minutes before you blow something up, right?"

Jinx cackled. "Oh, come on, Bael! Give me some credit. I'll keep him alive... mostly." She crouched beside Urgot, her fingers twitching with excitement as she poked his face. "Rise and shine, big guy. We've got a little chat planned for you."

"First, let's get him back to the lair," Bael said, hoisting the unconscious brute onto his shoulder with a grunt. "Can't have him waking up halfway and wrecking the place. And Jinx..."

"Yeah?" she asked, skipping alongside him with a grenade in her hand.

"No explosives while we're carrying him. Just this once."

Jinx pouted but nodded, tucking the grenade away. "Fiiiine. But he's all mine once we get home!"

Bael chuckled softly. "We'll see about that."

With Urgot securely in their grasp, the pair started their journey back to the ravine, ready to pry every secret they could from him.


Back at home, Bael leaned against the wall outside the interrogation room, arms crossed, listening as muffled shouts and laughter echoed through the door. He wasn't sure what Jinx was doing in there, but he knew better than to interfere. Five minutes had passed, and the noise abruptly stopped.

The door creaked open, and Jinx stepped out, wiping her hands on her shirt. Her face was lit up with a triumphant grin. "Got everything we need," she chirped, her voice sing-song but laced with a sinister undertone.

Bael raised an eyebrow, glancing past her at the room. "What... did you do?"

Jinx wagged a finger at him, blocking his view. "Ah ah! You don't wanna know. Trust me. But hey, turns out, big guy's not so tough after all." She leaned closer, her grin widening. "He squealed like a rat."

Bael exhaled sharply, shaking his head. "Fine. What did he say?"

Jinx crossed her arms and tilted her head, recalling the details. "Silco's got a big plan. He's pouring all his money into mass-producing Shimmer-powered weapons. Apparently, when you burn that stuff, it makes one hell of a fuel source. He's turning it into some kind of unstoppable arsenal."

Bael's jaw tightened. "And the factories?"

"Ran by some lady named Renni," Jinx replied, her expression darkening. "She's got a real sick setup. Uses orphans—kids, Bael. Brainwashes them, makes them think she's their mom or something, and works them to the bone in her Shimmer mines."

Bael's fist clenched at her words. "That's... disgusting."

Jinx shrugged, though there was fire in her eyes. "Cruelty at its peak, huh? But it makes her the perfect target."

Bael nodded, his mind already spinning with plans. "If we want to stop Silco, we start there. We take over the factories, cut off his supply, and cripple his operation."

Jinx smirked, twirling a grenade between her fingers. "Oh, I like the sound of that. Let's show her what real chaos looks like."

Jinx, practically vibrating with excitement, darted toward the door, her minigun slung over her shoulder and a manic grin plastered across her face. "Let's go! We'll blow the place sky-high, send Renni and her little orphan army running!"

"Jinx, wait!" Bael called out, stepping in front of her before she could bolt out. He placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

She huffed, narrowing her eyes at him. "What now? We've got everything we need! Let's just storm in, turn her factories into ash, and call it a day!"

Bael sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Jinx, you know we can't just charge in guns blazing. Renni's not stupid. If she's running an operation that big, she'll have security everywhere, probably some nasty tricks up her sleeve. We'd be walking right into a death trap."

Jinx groaned, tapping her foot impatiently. "Ugh, fine. So, what's the big brain plan, genius?"

Bael leaned against the wall, crossing his arms as he spoke. "We need to scope out the factories first—figure out their layout, security details, guard rotations, and most importantly, where they're keeping the Shimmer reserves. If we hit the wrong spot, she'll just rebuild in no time."

Jinx tilted her head, pretending to think, then grinned mischievously. "Or… we could just blow everything up and sort through the rubble later."

Bael gave her a flat look. "No. We need precision, not blind destruction. Besides, if we destroy the factories without taking control of the supply chain, Silco will just shift production elsewhere. We need to make this hurt."

Jinx groaned again, flopping dramatically against the wall. "Fine, fine, Mr. Tactical. But can we at least blow something up during the plan?"

Bael smirked. "I wouldn't dream of taking that away from you."

You and me need to evolve... Bael says, he says, unplugging his mechanical arm.

Jinx looks at him with growing excitement, "DON'T TELL ME WE'RE GONNA–" She started.

"Yes, we're gonna upgrade our weapons using hextech... I figured it out."


"During the fight... When my arm connected the seal with Urgot, I figured out that it only takes a small amount of presssure to ignite a reaction. My differencial equations were right, and the problem was they weren't differential equations but just normal equations, because the only variable is the user..."


(A/N: Yall liking this so far?

If so, what's the thing u like? I'm just doing some stats...)

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